Glitch (2025)

What have you unleashed…
―01010010 01010101 01001110‘s description when translated

Not to be confused with Error, a glove with a similar theme.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Obtainment
    • 2.1 Tips
  • 3 Ability
  • 4 Pros and Cons
    • 4.1 Pros
    • 4.2 Neutral
    • 4.3 Cons
  • 5 Trivia


Glitch is a badge-required glove added on November 25, 2022, and is obtained through the 01010010 01010101 01001110 badge, which translates to “RUN” in binary. The description of the badge says “what have you unleased...” with “unleashed” being misspelled as “unleased." The glove has a glitch-like texture with a large variety of colors.


To obtain Glitch, the player must collect a Jet or Phase orb that was slapped by an Error. The orb will have a glitched appearance. Both the Error themselves and anyone else can collect the orb, nonetheless awarding the badge.


All these tips can also be said for Jet and Phase.

  • If you hear a jet or see an orb falling from the sky, quickly switch to Error and get the badge before anyone else in the server.
  • An orb has a chance of spawning every 10 minutes. Using the small sign near Default Only Arena portal that tells the server age in minutes, you can tell when the chance will happen if the number reaches one of the multiplications of 10.

Glitch (1)

A glitched Orb of Flight.

Glitch (2)

A glitched Phase Orb.


Glitch's ability is called "Trojan." When used, it will create a green and black glitchy trail that sucks in any nearby players within it, taking them wherever the trail goes. The trail goes in seemingly random directions before plunging back down to the ground. Players caught within the ability will be made invincible, so they cannot slap each other. Most gloves cannot activate their ability, but some gloves are still able to, such as Phase, God's Hand, Hallow Jack, Pusher, Diamond, Shukuchi, and some others. Upon landing back down, the victims will be pinned to the ground for a few seconds. This can be used as an opportunity to attack. Do note that pinned players are still able to attack, so approach with caution.

Glitch (3)

Pros and Cons


  • The ability can pull Null's imps. Though they would likely just pull the Glitch user with them likely leading to their death.
  • The ability bypasses Reverse's ability.
  • Has a chance of affecting multiple players at once, and the chance of killing all of them.
  • Can be used for Reaper combos.
  • It can sometimes also be used for Killstreak combos, it works like this: Killstreak will slap victim beforehand and then Glitch will use ability on the other two, and then the victim has a chance of resetting, giving the Killstreak a kill. However, this is not very efficient, as players usually do not reset while under the ability.
  • Players have the chance to glitch out and stun after being put back down, giving you the chance for a free slap or two against them.
  • If there is a teleporting exploiter in server, you can use the Trojan ability to trap them for as long as the ability is active, with this being an ok counter.
  • When players are released from the Trojan ability, they will be released near the same spot that you were the moment you used the ability, which can be used to your advantage.
  • Players can still glitch people in God's Hand's stop time if the ability was already activated.
  • Can be used for MEGAROCK combos by using the Trojan ability on the MEGAROCK user and a bunch of other players, and the MEGAROCK user uses the ability immediately after being pulled into the ability. This will ensure that the MEGAROCK is in the same path as where the players will be pulled.
  • Can be used to kill players near the void by standing near the edge of an island and using the ability on a close-in-range player
  • Great to escape being chased due to the long time spent idle.
  • Great for camping bridges.


  • It can sometimes also be used for Killstreak combos, it works like this: Killstreak will slap victim beforehand and then Glitch will use ability on the other two, and then the victim has a chance of resetting, giving the Killstreak a kill. However, this is not very efficient, as players usually do not reset while under the ability.


  • Can only direct players in random ways, so it's not guaranteed to throw people into the void near edges.
  • MEGAROCK, CUSTOM, and Diamond are completely immune to the ability when their abilities are being used.
  • Adios and Recall can escape the trojan by using their abilities.
  • The initial pull and the ending ragdoll do not disable slapping, resulting in a chance that affected players can slap the Glitch user.
  • Long-range gloves can hit Glitch users far away without having to be affected by the Trojan.
  • Players caught in the ability are invincible, so they cannot be attacked by other players.
  • This glove now has a spawn cooldown.


  • This glove is presumably inspired by a Slap Battles moderator's idea of a glitch.
  • The name of this glove's ability "Trojan" is a reference to a malware type called a Trojan Horse, which is meant to mislead users into thinking it's a harmless program, but in reality it is a type of malware. This could also be a reference to the fact that the ability can mislead players who underestimated the glove.
  • When using a binary translator to translate the badge name, it says 'RUN,' which was originally thought to have had something to do with bob.
    • Although it could be bob corrupting the binary assets, it is actually intentional by the developers behind the scenes.
  • The slightly transparent glitchy trail is collide-able to other players who haven't been affected by the ability (which includes you).
  • In Premiumsalad's video about how to obtain Glitch, he talks about the icon of the "01110010 01110101 01101110" badge and translates the numbers seen on the eyes of the noob on the badge icon which translates to the following: "SKY ABOVE, OPEN UP, FALLEN DOWN, CORRUPTED GLOVE,” this is presumably talking about the orbs for Jet and Phase and the last sentence referring to Error or Glitch.
  • This was the first glove not to have its obtainment method revealed the moment it released, the method being revealed a few hours after it was released.
  • This is the only glove to have a badge & tooltip in binary.
  • If a clone made by the Replica glove is pulled into the ability, it can slap other players while affected in the Trojan ability too.
  • The badge required to get this glove is the third badge to have a title written entirely in numbers. The first being "1 0 0," and the second being "250."
  • There is a bug where if a player tries to enter a Slap Tournament while the Trojan is affecting them, they lose their glove until they reset themself and re-enter the Normal Arena.
  • If you have Error, it's pretty easy to obtain Glitch as it's the only glove necessary and it's a one-shot. Players who have Error likely have Glitch because of this. This means you can get Retro fairly easily if you ask for help from a player with Glitch (4) 50,000.
  • There was a free model on the marketplace for a glove called "Glitch" before this glove came out.
  • This glove is needed to obtain Retro and Admin.
  • Glitch's banner and texture are the same.
  • This is the second glove whose badge name and tooltip are the same, the first being 🗿.

Glitch (5)

Glitch (6)
Slap Costing Gloves
spinDefaultDualDiamondZZZZZZZExtendedBrickSnowPullFlashSpringSwapperBullDiceGhostThanosStunL.O.L.B.O.M.BZa HandoFortMagnetPusherAnchorSpaceBoomerangSpeedrunMailT H I C KGoldenSquidMRReaperReplicaDefenseKillstreakReverseShukuchiDuelistwoahIceGummyAdiosBlockedDivertEngineerRockyCoilConveyorBalloonyPhantomWormholeSTOPTrackTableflipShieldBoosterPing PongBallerHome RunWhirlwindSlicerExcavatorNightmareThorPocketGrappleCloudGravityParryJebaitedMeteorOvenGuardian AngelSunFerrymanBlackholeBlinkPropSlapstickBeatdownChickenBONKSbeveGolemGrabGod's HandErrorThe Flex
Glitch (7)
Paid Gloves
OVERKILLSpectatorCUSTOMUltra InstinctTitanVampireCannoneerKillerfish
Glitch (8)
Badge Gloves
MEGAROCKPlagueHallow Jack[REDACTED]busMittenPhaseWarpBombBubbleJetShardpotatoCULTb̸̡̼̯̖̰̆̃̑͑õ̵͇̪͚ͅḇ̸̡̼͐̌̒ (bob)buddiesMoonJupiterSpyDetonatorRageTrapOrbitHybridSlappleDisarmDominanceLinkChainRattlebonesChargeTycoonConfusionGlitchSnowballEludeRNGfish🗿ObbyVoodooGoofyLeashFlamarangKineticBerserkSparkyBoogieRecallQuakePsychoKrakenCounterHammerŗ̸̓̊̀̍͝͝ȏ̵̧̖̥̜̟̾͝b̵͈̖̔̓̿̕ (rob)RhythmRojoHitmanRetroNullLureTinkererNecromancerAlchemistDruidJesterScytheSantaIceskateBlasphemyPanAdminJoustFireworkRunGlovelDivebombLampKnockoffFrostbitePlankSpoonfulthe schlob
Glitch (9)
Event Gloves
Hallow JackRattlebonesNecromancer Witch MittenSnowballSanta
Glitch (10)
Scavenger Gloves
Glitch (11)
Staff Gloves
brazilClone()edgelordsusminecraftTrainBOBBLETABLEgumNimbusKillerfishmanspiderFrost GodKING SBEVE
Glitch (12)
Removed/Replaced Gloves
ObamaLegoCoil (Scrapped)PilotnahFakeoutDreamCheeky
Glitch (13)
Slap Royale Gloves
Glitch (14)
Other Gloves
AcrobatSlapple (Collectable)Golden SlappleSnowball (SS) Zombie
Glitch (15)
Fortnite Gloves
Glitch (2025)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.