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      • For the Love of God, Delete Mesmer Mantras!

        in Player vs. Player

        Posted September 16, 2019

        @viquing.8254 said:that's why we don't see mantra mesmers pass gold in EU.

        what do you mean, silver, gold, plat, legend all get to put in one game

        • My Wishlist for Warrior Balance

          in Warrior

          Posted September 16, 2019

          @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Brave Stride would be better if it granted Stability whenever you gained swiftness, or something more repeatable. Or if it pulsed Stability for the first 8s of combat. That'd be better as well.

          warrior crap out stability,brave stride is just one way to sh*t out stability, stance is a way to crap out stability, signet is another way to crap out stability, rampage is other way

          • Stop allowing 2 of the same class on one team

            in Player vs. Player

            Posted September 16, 2019

            dont have the population for that. unless you want 10 hours Qsnot with the population now and not with 90% of the pvp player base playing only 4-5 classes within 27 choices.

            • Suggestion: Teleportation change

              in Professions

              Posted September 15, 2019

              @rdigeri.7935 said:I'd rather modify teleporting skills so that they have a cast time, and you can't precast other skills with it

              that would be ideal, but people would QQ more about this

              • Suggestion: Teleportation change

                in Professions

                Posted September 15, 2019

                Make all target based teleportation work like merciful intervention which you have to select the area of the target instead of just having a target and instantly follow the target to the moon from across the planet. so it encourages more skill play

                • My Wishlist for Warrior Balance

                  in Warrior

                  Posted September 15, 2019

                  yes kill magebane please, it's op and single handily carry the entire classand makes berserker pointless

                  also remove might give healing power please, i even take magebane in my theory craft support build just because it gives most might so more healing power

                  • The amount of bots in PvP is getting out of hand..

                    in Player vs. Player

                    Posted September 15, 2019

                    They're always going to choose the builds that require the least amount of thinking or reactions. As much as people complain about yolosmith, you do have to have decent reactions and decent timing to have the most impact. Bots lack a sense of timing and smart reactions.

                    Bots play scrapper, havent you see the scrapper bot bunker build that takes two to kill? and it just mindless goes far and attract people wasting time. it's doing more then most gold players.

                    • What more should PvP offers?

                      in Player vs. Player

                      Posted September 15, 2019

                      personally, i think we need more bots

                      • Future Potential WvW-centric Balance Changes - September 6th 2019

                        in Professions

                        Posted September 15, 2019

                        Warrior tactic minor Determined revival and reviver's might should be combined for a adept trait. minor trait shouldn't be excepting your team to go down, you should be able to spec for it, but it shouldnt be base minor traits, minor trait should be something more base line for general play.

                        • Warrior Longbow

                          in Warrior

                          Posted September 14, 2019

                          No, he's trying to turn longbow in to a power weapon while making condition longbow accessible through traitswithout realizing he's actually nerfing even for power

                          • Warrior Longbow

                            in Warrior

                            Posted September 14, 2019

                            Actually Longbow has 3 condi skill without trait, that would be F1 2 5.secondly why would you want 5 to be push back, when longbow skills are best used in melee range, if you didn't realize longbow on warrior in pvp is actually a melee weapon with range option.and why would you switch a long burning for vulnerability on 2, most plebs don't realize those burning if left uncleansed does a TONS of damage even in power. we all know how useless rifle 2 feels.and 4 is one of the skill shot warrior has and it's extremely fun to use, a quick blind to key skill is game changing and save dodges and i'm against more AoE field spam added to the game.

                            Also burning on auto by default is OP lol, that trait not used only because tactic line is trash in pvp, so is arm line and by the way there's sword+torch that brings literally everything a longbow brings for condition build and mobility, longbow is still best used in power build in pvp, way better then rifle

                            • give berserker second set utilities..(pvp)

                              in Warrior

                              Posted September 13, 2019

                              Idk how you guys fail to realize we've being talking about berserker as a whole the whole are you just comparing builds like we are talking about dueling between glass canon and duelist.that's completely off topic and just shifting the attention of how berserker is paper even built with equal mind

                              and again Lan talking about how "oNlY bAd pLaYers dIe" but when others challenge him, he never answers, all fantasy text and nothing realistic.

                              • give berserker second set utilities..(pvp)

                                in Warrior

                                Posted September 13, 2019

                                @Ghos.1326 said:

                                @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Funny, I go without Defense and EP in WvW on my Berserker and manage to survive just fine... But then Blood Reckoning is OP healing on a full dps spec.

                                You wont last against a decent opponent FACT.Fight warrior vs warrior one with endure pains and you without it and tell us how good warrior is without endure pain.

                                eh, a berserker running pure damage (where it shines) vs a warrior running more of a duelist/sustainable build kind of speaks for itself...i mean, the person with defensive things is supposed to win against the build that doesn't have much, if anything at all, in terms of survivability....that's like saying "oh, hey you thief, fight my scrapper lel" it's like....well no duh the scrapper is going to win, the scrapper is BUILT to survive (depending on the build) vs a thief that is built (depending on build) to burst damage....i'd try another example.

                                Not the poiont, the point is Lan while running berserker with blood reckoning claims that he survive completely fine while recking people.also let's be real, even berserker running more of a duelist sustainable build will still lose and inferior even in 5v5

                                • give berserker second set utilities..(pvp)

                                  in Warrior

                                  Posted September 13, 2019

                                  @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

                                  @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Funny, I go without Defense and EP in WvW on my Berserker and manage to survive just fine... But then Blood Reckoning is OP healing on a full dps spec.

                                  wow, you must be warrior god, because berserker sustain is paper and it's even worse with blood reckoning. are you like legend tier warrior? teach me please.

                                  Headbutt -> Savage Instinct -> Arc Divider -> BR -> Arc Divider. 95% of the player base dies to that. Only Rangers and other warriors are issues with their own passive invuln procs. Everyone in WvW runs vitality over toughness, and as Soulbeast has proven with enough damage modifiers you can melt people regardless of their health. Spellbreaker will wreck you though.

                                  Only monkeys will let themself get hit by that full combo, and those will die to any other specc aswell.

                                  And ppl who dont expect/are brain afk atm, that yolo dmg will only die once to it.

                                  Then 95% of WvW players must be brainless.exactly,also you seem like all talk, you are fast to talk about other's skill and how great you are, yet when people wanted to test your skill and actually prove you wrong in realistic fights, you never answer.i won't even bother to explain to you how fragile is power berserker, because you are just in your own little world.

                                  • give berserker second set utilities..(pvp)

                                    in Warrior

                                    Posted September 10, 2019

                                    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Funny, I go without Defense and EP in WvW on my Berserker and manage to survive just fine... But then Blood Reckoning is OP healing on a full dps spec.

                                    wow, you must be warrior god, because berserker sustain is paper and it's even worse with blood reckoning. are you like legend tier warrior? teach me please.

                                    • The sustain of Holosmith is's just broken

                                      in Player vs. Player

                                      Posted September 9, 2019

                                      i wish they should nerf mirage sustain first, cuz it can infinite kit if the terrain allow

                                      • give berserker second set utilities..(pvp)

                                        in Warrior

                                        Posted September 9, 2019

                                        like seriously, it's only reasonable, that can help sustain or help with mobility, give a teleport or something on berserk.or even increase damage

                                        or like just remove -300 toughess, you get light armor class armor, yet you are still a warrior with slow speed and huge animation, just a paper warrior lol

                                        and like berserker should be the spellbreaker and removes boon, what's damage in this game when you can't remove all those protection/boon? it's noodle damage if theres no way to remove boonspellbreaker should be some defensive spec.right now spellbreaker does more damage thanks to tether and 25 might stack, niceand sustain more as well

                                        • For the Love of God, Delete Mesmer Mantras!

                                          in Player vs. Player

                                          Posted September 9, 2019

                                          not going to happen, i've posted this exact same post about how mesmer one shot me in stealth out of no where months ago and months months agocore mechanics will not change, even it does it will take another 6 yearscheese will always be cheeseinsta cast/teleport/slteath will always be insta cast/teleport/stealththis is a mmorpg after all.

                                          • Can warrior play support/healer?

                                            in Warrior

                                            Posted September 8, 2019

                                            nop, only if u call banner as support.

                                            • Redesigning Tactics Specialization: A Holistic Approach to Support Warrior (Longbow/Warhorn/Shouts)

                                              in Warrior

                                              Posted September 7, 2019

                                              i miss support war so much in pvp, i missed the shoutbow day, it was so skill based

                                              • Match Quality without DuoQ is amazing

                                                in Player vs. Player

                                                Posted September 6, 2019

                                                when majority of the player base sucks, having a stacked duoq means auto win, with a really low chance of losing for getting player worse then bots and also against stacked team. specially you have a bunker and a roamer stack, it doesn't take a lot of skill to get top rank, throw in some fotm cheese build and you get easy top rank.

                                                when facing a duoq, even you are better then duoq, as long as they win every other fight without you in it, they win and you lose. having two means they win twice as much fight as you being one. you win every single fight you are in yet your team still get rolled else where and be like 200-500 sure is fun.

                                                now i don't even try, there's no point, ranking is not about skill but if you duoq or not.

                                                • Best class to 1v1 against Spellbreaker?

                                                  in Player vs. Player

                                                  Posted September 6, 2019

                                                  poison thief, easy.i've not face a single warrior who i can't 1v1 on poison thief with ease yetit literally hard counters spellbreaker meta build

                                                  • PvP Starterpacks

                                                    in Player vs. Player

                                                    Posted September 3, 2019

                                                    the second picture of silver should be on legend lol

                                                    • what new prof to play

                                                      in Player vs. Player

                                                      Posted September 3, 2019

                                                      i like to main a new prof for each new big update, so i mained rev for hot and holo for pof and also played core thief/drd and war for big amount of time.for new saga, i want to play a new norn character.what i have in mind is scourge, fb and weaver.i find scourge mechanically easy tho it's really hard to position itselfand weaver and fb im just completely new to

                                                      • Can just narrow down 1 to 2 builds for each professions

                                                        in Player vs. Player

                                                        Posted September 2, 2019

                                                        @Swagg.9236 said:

                                                        @"Crab Fear.1624" said:Improvising, creativity, thinking on your feet, adaptation.

                                                        Those are reduced when you narrow down build options.

                                                        Less options equals more wat

                                                        Quake (3 in particular) had no builds; just the same weapons and movement tech for every player in the game. It still maintains one of the highest skill-cap thresholds for mind games and creativity that video games has ever seen within the context of PvP competition. Generally, if two players have the same build, the one who uses it more creatively is the better player. GW2 doesn't really allot the mental elbow room for this as most builds play effectively the same, and the majority of "options" in GW2 PvP languish in irrelevance simply because they outright do not compete with the meta options. GW2 is far too shallow and bloat-ridden. At this point, the best thing that anyone could do for the game would to be compress options down to the point at which there would be no "bad" builds regardless of what one picks for a build (which would mostly result in just each profession having 1 or 2 settings).

                                                        This isn't a card game; no reason to have a truck load of objectively bad options littering the UI. If the compressed version of your game's load-out options results in a bare-bones and generic suite for each of your classes, then you're really just exposing the truth about your game's skill ceiling rather than "dumbing the game down."

                                                        thank you so much. actually when there's a gazillion builds for everything, there's no room for these so called improvising.when a side noder meets a side noder hard counter, it's not improvising, it's just out right unfair for an competitive game where better skill player should win, not to mention builds like poison thief which u can 1v1 a war on point while still roam. improvising should be about when a roamer whos weak 1v1 face against a side noder on node.

                                                        i didn't even go with the extreme of limiting roles per team, like lots of other actual competitive games do. i guess limiting roles will also make a game have less Improvising, creativity, thinking on your feet, adaptation thus having less skill according to your logic. i guess gw2 must be the most skilled competitive game out there for having million build options and no role lock LOL.

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                                                      Lighter.5631's Content - Page 63 (2024)
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                                                      Author: Ray Christiansen

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                                                      Name: Ray Christiansen

                                                      Birthday: 1998-05-04

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                                                      Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

                                                      Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

                                                      Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.