Texas election results 2020: Real-time data on Wichita Falls mayoral, other races (2024)

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Sophie Blaylock|Wichita Falls Times Record News

Texas election results 2020: Real-time data on Wichita Falls mayoral, other races (3)

Texas election results 2020: Real-time data on Wichita Falls mayoral, other races (4)

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Nov. 3has arrived and Texans who haven't cast an early or absentee ballot are heading to the polls to cast their votes.

Alongside Donald Trump and Joe Biden facing off in the presidential election, Wichita Falls voters will also decide who will represent the 30th Congressional District, as well as the mayoral, city council, school boardand two bond measures to fund Wichita Falls Independent School District.

Polls close at 7 p.m. in Texas.

As Texas tallies up the votes, this is where where you can find live results andreal-time data on the statewide races. Check back here for updates.

Where to vote: Early voting and Election Day locations in Wichita County

Real-time Texas generalelection results

Live results:Local live election results can be found by clicking here.

U.S. Senate

  • Sen. John Cornyn, Republican
  • Mary "MJ" Hegar, Democrat
  • Kerry Douglas McKennon, Libertarian

13th Congressional District

  • Ronny Jackson,Republican
  • Gus Trujillo, Democrat
  • Jack B.Westbrook, Libertarian

Who is running?: A 'Trump man' and a former Thornberry intern vying for 13th Congressional seat

Wichita County Commissioner, Precinct 2

  • Mickey Fincannon
  • (write-in) Lee Harvey

Mayoral race

  • Stephen Santellana
  • James Huling
  • Kevin Hunter

City council

  • District 3:Jeff Browning, Mel Martinez
  • District 4: Tim Brewer, Jason Hester
  • District 5: Tom Taylor, Steve Jackson

More: Mayoral, council campaigns in full swing during final month

Wichita Falls City Council Charter

  • Proposition No. 1Shall Sections 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 21a, 36, 44, 46, 57, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 75, 82, 91, 98, 106 and 107 of the City Charter be amended for the purposes of modernization and clarification of language?
  • Proposition No. 2Shall Sections 3b (annexation), 3c (disannexation), 20 (notice of election), 36 (city clerk), 37 (ordinances and resolutions), 67 (annual budget submission), 74 (ad valorem taxes), 75 (borrowing of money), 83 (tax liens), 102 (collection and deposit of city monies), 104 (awarding public works contracts), 130 (municipal court), and 131 (open records) of the City Charter be amended for the purpose of bringing such sections into harmony with Texas state law?
  • Proposition No. 3Shall Section 31 of the City Charter be amended to provide that if a majority of the votes cast on the question of recalling the mayor or a councilor be against his recall he shall continue in office for the remainder of his unexpired term; further, if a majority of such votes be for the recall of the officer designated on the ballot he shall, regardless of any defects in the recall petition, be deemed removed from office; and further, when the mayor or a councilor is removed from office by the recall, the place thus made vacant shall be filled as hereinbefore provided for filling vacancies arising from other causes?
  • Proposition No. 4Shall Section 60 of the City Charter be amended to remove the requirement that three physical copies of the Administrative code be prepared in book form?
  • Proposition No. 5Shall Section 89 of the City Charter be amended so as to set out, in clean and modern language, the evidence requirements in tax suits?
  • Proposition No. 6Shall Section 103 of the City Charter be amended so that any contract longer than two years in duration must either be approved by a four-fifths majority of the City Council or by a vote of the Citizens?
  • Proposition No. 7Shall Section 132 of the City charter be amended so that should any member of the City Council have a conflict of interest pursuant to any State laws or municipal ordinances regulating conflict of interest of municipal officers, with an agenda item then before the City Council, he will openly declare same before discussion proceeds, and he will be prohibited from discussing the item or voting on the question if such is required by State Law; further, said member of the City Council will also file the appropriate conflict of interest paperwork prior to said meeting with the City Clerk as required by State Law?
  • Further, shall no member of the City Council enter into a written contract with the city where the city council member will receive a financial benefit, nor will the city enter into a written contract with a company owned wholly, or in part, by a member of the city council or that employs a member of the city council?
  • Further, shall any willful violation of this section constitute malfeasance in office, and any member of the city council, officer, or employee found guilty thereof shall thereby forfeit his office or position?
  • Further, shall any violation of this section with the knowledge, expressed or implied, of the person or corporation contracting with the city, render the contract involved voidable by the city manager or city council?
  • Proposition No. 8Shall Section 35 of the City Charter be amended so that the mayor pro-tem shall be chosen pursuant to Chapter 2, Administration, of the Code of Ordinances?
  • Proposition No. 9Shall Sections 12, 23, and 32 of the City Charter be amended to provide for three (3) year Council terms; to set term limits; and that unexpired or vacant terms (including those pursuant to successful recall petitions) of 12 months or less be filled by the remaining members of the City Council, while all other vacancies shall be filled by a special election according to Texas Law?
  • Proposition No. 10Shall Section 38 of the City Charter be amended to provide for a salary not to exceed $1,000 per month for the position of mayor, and not to exceed $600 per month for each Council member?

Bond measure would fundtwo WFISD schools

  • Proposition A:The issuance of $276,415 of bonds for the purpose of constructing, acquiring and equipping school buildings in the district and purchase of necessary sites for school buildings -- with two new high schools in the proposal.
  • Proposition B: The issuance of $13,585 of bonds for recreational facilities in the district.

WFISD school board trustee, Place 4

  • Dale Harvey
  • Jason Stewart

Election Day voting hours, locations

Voting will be available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at these locations:

  • Allendale Baptist Church, 4650 Allendale Rd.
  • The Forum, 2120 Speedway Ave.
  • Western Hills Baptist Church, 5107 Ridgecrest
  • Faith Lodge No. 1158, 3503 Kemp Ave.
  • Sikes Lake Center, Midwestern Pkwy. And Louis Rodriguez, behind the MSU Texas Wellness Center
  • Kamay Volunteer Fire Dept., 8537 SH 258 W, Kamay
  • Texas Highway Dept., 1601 Southwest Pkwy.
  • Wesley United Methodist Church, 1526 Weeks St.
  • First Baptist Church at Sheppard, 2101 Puckett Rd.
  • Legacy Church of God, 1420 TX-11 Loop
  • Cameron Gardens VFD, 153 FM 1740
  • Commissioner Pct. 2 Building, 102 W College, Burkburnett
  • 10th & Broad Church of Christ, 1319 10th St.
  • Kemp Sunnyside Community Center, 405 Walnut
  • Region IX Education Center, 301 Loop 1
  • First Baptist Family Center, 300 W Bank, Iowa Park
  • Faith Baptist Church, 411 S Wall, Iowa Park
  • Martin Luther King Center, 1100 Smith
  • Jefferson St. Baptist Church, 401 Jefferson St.
  • First Assembly of God, 3101 NcNiel
  • The Bridge Church, 4725 K Mart Dr.
  • Life Church, 4350 Seymour Hwy.
  • Floral Heights United Methodist Church, 2215 10th St.
  • Haws Road Community Church, 2635 Haws Rd., Iowa Park
  • Electra Community Center, 501 E Roosevelt Ave., Electra

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Texas election results 2020: Real-time data on Wichita Falls mayoral, other races (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.