Top Posts Tagged with #im just gonna reblog the stories from here to there and add them to my masterlist | Tumlook (2024)

Conflating Arousal

[An office love story] <enemies to lovers au>

Paring : Yunho x Johwa

Genre : Office Romance, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Kdrama vibe

Warning : Mention of blood, Child abuse, Sexual Assault, Self harm, Toxic relationship, Mature content.

Synopsis : What happens when the man you hate become your CEO?

"If you have problem with me, Ms. Im, you can give your resignation letter and leave, we don't need employees like you in here."

- Jeong Yunho

[ If you want me to add you in the taglist, just comment below. And reblog my post ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ). (I'm kinda comfortable with writing with names, not y/n as I was a Wattpad writer. So bear with me ♡) ]


This asshole is never going to hold me, I'm doomed. I'm getting fired. I hope I die falling from the ladder. God, I am such a dumb.

Johwa's prayer goes in vein when she realizes being into someone's arms. As she opens her eyes, she sees her Ceo staring at her with both annoyed and disgusted face.

Making her stand on her feet, he steps away from her and she bows, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

"Are you multilingual?" His sudden question makes Johwa look at him. Why should he care about her being multilingual?

"Yes...I love learning languages," she says.

"You are fluent in English and Spanish? What about Japanese?" He asks again.

"Yes, Japanese too...But why d-" she asks but gets cut off by him, "Because You're gonna be my part-time secretary from now."

"What? Why would I? You have a secretary," Johwa tells him forgetting what happened a while ago.

"You do not question me after what you did. You sign this contract and Mr. Choi gets to do double jobs or you don't sign this contract and lose this job. Valid," Yunho says taking out the file he brought for her when he entered looking for her.

Johwa looks down not being able to decide what to do.

What a cunning roach he is! I can't even decline the contract, f*cking hell.

"I-I'll sign it," she takes the file in her hand and starts reading.

"After signing it, fix the room in front of your cabinets by 5 p.m. for me. I'll be working there from now on," he says making Johwa more surprised.

"And also keep it as clean as possible. If I see a little amount of dirt there, I'm gonna sue you for all these mess you've created. Keep this file on my new office after cleaning it, I'll send rest of my things," he says and leaves without even hearing her say 'yes sir or no sir' .

"What does he think he is? Why would he annoy me so much? What's with the secretary thing? What is going on, ugh!!!!" Johwa kicks the file cabinet and gets hurt, "f*ck my life!!!"

3 p.m.

"Isn't it too much? She has been working since the morning," Seonghwa says coming out from his room staring at Johwa ordering people coming with furniture.

Wooyoung is on his laptop working without breaks or else he might burst out badly. Everyone was quite after Johwa told them what she had to do because Jeong Yunho is in power now. He can do anything with them either spinning them like a puppet or taking their mental peace away, its his choice and they can do nothing about it for now.

"Wooy-" San tries to talk to him but, "Don't say a word, I might punch you. Let me work," Wooyoung says and San sits back on his chair. He doesn't even know what to do. Yunho hasn't done a good thing, he is being too harsh. Just because he wants to give Mingi breaks, doesn't mean he have to choose Johwa as his another secretary. He could have hired one but why he is after her?

Time keeps passing by as Johwa keeps working without breaks making rest of them worried about her. She doesn't want to sh*t talk about her CEO anymore because it's like whenever she talks sh*t about him, he appears around him out of nowhere which is why she is a few steps away from losing her dear job.

"Ms. Im, have you finished?" As soon as Johwa looks at her watch and sees it's 5 a.m. Jeong Yunho appears at the door. She looks at him in disbelief, How annoyingly punctual he is!

"Yes, sir. I have finished working. Your room is ready," Johwa says with a sarcastic smile and Yunho enters in the room judging the whole area.

"There are some changes in the interior, I didn't want these plants," he says looking at the plants kept at a corner in a white vase.

"I added them because I thought it might look nice," Johwa says trying to read his expression if he is mad about it or not.

"Not bad," Yunho says and turns around, "You're dismissed for today. You can do your job now."

"Thank you, sir," Johwa bows and leaves the room as fast as she can because she can't stand that tallroach for another second.

As she sees her colleagues, she drops on her knees, "Guys, I'm gonna die." San goes running towards her, "Hey, what's up. What did he say?"

"That I can do my own job now as I've finished his, ugh. He is still there so don't ask me anything. I can't say a single good thing about him," Johwa says and San helps her stand.

Wooyoung just looks at her once then start working again. He understood that Johwa remembers about the night and now she is embarrassed, avoiding Wooyoung whenever she can. She didn't hug Wooyoung and is being very weird which tells Wooyoung she didn't want it to happen. It was merely a mistake for her which wasn't for him. He wanted that, he was in half sense and he remembers every little detail. How soft her lips were, how she called his name and trailed her fingers on his neck.

I shouldn't blame her for not wanting this. What am I even thinking?

"Hey, where are you lost?" San's voice breaks Wooyoung's thoughts. He almost forgot that he came to San's house after work after Johwa ditched him for the thousand times.

"Nothing, I'm just..."

"Thinking about the kiss?" San finishes his line making him surprised.

"How did you know?" Wooyoung asks.

San smirks handing him the beer, "I know everything, my friend."

"She told you about it?" Wooyoung asks and San nods, "Maybe."

"What did she say? Was she disgusted? Did it remind her of those bad memo-"

"Wooyoung, calm down. Let me tell you what happened. You don't even let me drink my beer peacefully."

"Wooyoung is mad because he doesn't have a good history with Yunho. It ended badly with them," San tells Johwa but suddenly sees Johwa's eyes getting big for the 100th time.

"What happened to you?" San asks.

"Speaking of Wooyoung, I feel like I have kissed him last night," Johwa says as a flashback comes in her mind.

"WHAT? You did what?" San asks her again because it's unbelievable for him to believe too.

"I pulled him on for the kiss for sure but why would I do that? He must have swayed by me. How am I supposed to face him?" Johwa asks San showing horror in her face.

San sighs trying to adjust the atmosphere, "Maybe he wanted to kiss you too," he says trying to learn about her feelings so he can ease his best friend later.

"Did he? I mean, why would he? I'm just his best friend..." Johwa says looking down, slapping her lips twice, "Stupid Johwa," calling herself things.

San slaps his forehead understanding she has got no idea about Wooyoung's feelings, maybe she never wanted to face it because she is scared, "You never know. Sometimes best friends can be more than best friends."

"I don't think that's the case for us. We literally hit each other twice a day," Johwa says taking out her phone, "We are like siblings. He even bought sanitary pads for me thrice."

"So, he is a like a brother to you?" San asks trying to make sure what she said.

"No, he is not but we are the same and we are weird. I don't even know. Hell, I gotta work or else I will have to overwork," Johwa gets up but turns around, "Don't tell anyone about it. I'll die of embarrassment."

"I won't," he says but it wasn't a promise, so he can tell Wooyoung, right?

"So, what are you trying to imply, Choi San?" Wooyoung asks him turning the tv on.

"I am trying to say that you should make a move for the f*ck's sake or else you might lose the chance," San says sipping his beer.

Wooyoung sighs and faces San, "Listen, I need time, okay? I need time to understand my feelings too. My whole life I haven't been in a serious relationship and I have hurt girls. She is my best friend and I can't risk our relationship for my feelings. I gotta differ between love and... wanting to... whatever, let me watch the movie."

"So, you're only sexually attracted to her, that's it?" San asks narrowing his eyes earning slaps from Wooyoung, "I am not saying that, I am just unsure. I don't want to make her my fling. She will get hurt."

"So, you agree you've inappropriate thoughts being around her?"

"San, I swear I'm gonna strangle you. It's more than that," Wooyoung gets more mad.

"See, you love her. You are overprotective around her, you're so obsessive too," San says trying to prove a point but Wooyoung looks away drinking his whole beer.

"Listen buddy,if you don't try to make a move, someone else will steal her away. Don't come to me crying then. Why do I sound like those typical female best friends?" San says seeing Wooyoung not caring about it.

"You'll end up being the sad second lead this way," San again warns him and he just gives San a death glare.

"I won't let it happen. I won't let anyone be around her. I'll tell her before that," Wooyoung says focusing on the movie.

I hope, you can do that soon, San thinks staring at him.

Weeks later

"Johwa, are you not coming here?" Wooyoung asks her calling as they are having a party at Hongjong's house.

Johwa seems tired, "I am still working. I can't come yet. I don't think I can come. You guys conti-" suddenly she feels her phone taken away from Yunho. She looks at him, her eyes poking out. "No phone while working, Ms. Im," he says handing another file to her.

She grits her teeth staring at him and he cuts the call, throws her phone on the table then goes back to his room where he can see Johwa sitting there clearly.

She sees Wooyoung calling her again but Yunho nods staring at her so she doesn't pick it up. Johwa declines the call and starts working with her computer again.

10:30 p.m.

"I've mailed you all of the files, Mr. Jeong," Johwa says standing in front of his room.

"You can leave now," Yunho says standing up with his coat, "Good work," he leaves after switching the lights off.

Johwa takes her bag and leaves for the elevator but sees it closing. So, she starts taking the stairs. But suddenly she hears the elevator opening again, "You can come in if you want to."

Johwa looks at him, "I am fine, you can leave."

Most importantly, I have no wish to go down with you.

"It's 14th floor," he says.

Johwa smirks, "I thought you know I can climb down 14th floor, Mr. Jeong."

"That was a punishment for being rude. It's dark down there, you might fall too," he says still holding the button.

Why am I even insisting?

Johwa looks down and realizes her body aching so bad. It won't be a good idea if she doesn't get inside the elevator. So, she walks into the elevator.

The elevator closes and they seem calm now. Johwa looking at her phone calling Wooyoung but he isn't picking up.

They might have left the house.

She thinks not caring about Yunho being beside her. As the elevator opens, she leaves the office.

"I won't even get any taxi now," She tells herself looking around.

Suddenly Yunho's car appears in front of her, "You can hop in if you want to."

Why is he being so good with me?

"No, thanks. I will find a taxi," she declines the offer looking away. But suddenly it starts thundering which makes her look into his car.

"I don't think I'll fine one before it rains," she says and opens Yunho's car door sitting inside.

As she tells her direction, Yunho starts driving.

"Why would you help me after making me work all day?" She asks.

"Don't you think you talk so informally?" Yunho asks.

"I'm sorry," Johwa says looking outside the window.

"It was getting late," Yunho answers focusing on his driving.

Suddenly Johwa's phone start ringing. She gets happy picking it up, "Woo."

"Where are you? It is going to rain heavily, it can get dangerous" Wooyoung asks.

"I'm coming home. Are you home?" Johwa asks.

"We all are inside of your house, I mean San, Yeosang and me. Come safely," Wooyoung says.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jeong is dropping me," Johwa says.

Wooyoung's heart clenches a bit hearing the name. Why would he?

"Alright, be safe," Wooyoung says and cuts the call feeling unwell with the matter.

It starts raining heavily as soon as she cuts the call. Johwa's eyes start sparkling as she looks outside, "What a day! Wow," she smiles as some drops of water touches her face, the smell healing all the tensions of her body.

How can she think it's a good day after I ruined her whole day?

Yunho wonders seeing her so happy with raining. "Ms. Im, my car is getting wet."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she locks the window wiping off her face with her hand for removing the water drops.

That's the last sentence was spoken in the car. It gets so quite inside as they don't know how to continue any conversation.

These weeks were so hard for Johwa but she tried remaining as calm as she can being happy with the fact that San is working as both Marketing manager and literary agent. But this man is more workaholic than Hongjong so she is turning into another which is very annoying. She has always thought that overworking is very unhealthy but there's no way she can escape it, so accepting it is the best choice.

"That's it, you can drop me here," Johwa says and realizes, the rain has gotten bad. It's impossible to see clearly at this point.

Yunho stops the car and looks around. He might crash his car if he drives now.

What am I supposed to do? He looks at his watch and it's already 11. There isn't any hotel nearby either.

"Mr. Jeong, you can come over. We were planning on staying up all night anyway," Johwa says.

She doesn't want to leave him here where he helped her a while ago or else she wouldn't be able to reach home.

But he left you and your best friend to die.

A voice faints inside her but she tries to neglect it.

I can't do what he did to me.

"It's fine, I'll just wait here until the rain calms down," Yunho says not understanding what she meant by them.

"Please Mr. Jeong, I'm returning a favor," she says not realizing her own voice.

"I don't think you'll be able to go home in an hour or two," Johwa says and Yunho nods, "Alright, let's go."

"You can park your car inside, I'm waiting here, in the garage," she says and opens the car door to hurry inside the apartment but someone pulls her in his arms as soon as she peaks outside.

She gets startled and then notice, the owner of the hands on her arm is Wooyoung who is holding an umbrella above her, "Oh my God," she hits him, "I almost died."

Wooyoung chuckles staring at her, "You're such a pain in my ass."

"You have one?" She asks leaving Wooyoung flustered.

"Want me to show you? Let's head inside first," he says, "Oh, wait."

He looks at Yunho and, "Thanks for dropping her," then holds her into his arms walking inside.

Yunho keeps looking at them as they faded inside. They're always sticking together, which hurts. It brings back the hold wounds, it's like stabbing the same place again and again, it's never ending pain.

He doesn't belong there anymore, no more.


As they gets inside the garage corridor, Wooyoung closes the umbrella.

"Wooyoung, you go upstairs, I'm waiting for Mr. Jeong," she says making Wooyoung look at her with a question.

"I told him to come over because it's pouring so bad," Johwa says rubbing the back of her neck.

Wooyoung sighs rolling his eyes, "Why would you do that?"

"He helped me, so I'm just," she says looking into his eyes.

"Don't do that eye thing. That's your house, your wish," Wooyoung says.

Johwa stands on tiptoes, "What eye thing?"

And their head fills with the night they kissed filling them with embarrassment. Wooyoung gulps staring at Johwa. All of his hidden desires poking in his stomach giving him flashbacks of her smile, her hands around him. Oh this girl controls him so well!

Yunho's clearing throat brings them back to the earth, "Let's get inside," Johwa says running in front of the elevator.

Wooyoung mentally thanks Yunho for coming in time or he might have lost it.

As they reach inside her apartment, San throws a controller at Johwa, "Save me this once, I'll treat you."

Johwa catches it and Yeosang gets mad, "San, you're such a cheater, you're not sup-" Yeosang stops as he notices Yunho with them.

San starts jumping as Yeosang's player loses, "You lost, you freaki-" he notices Yunho behind Johwa too.

Ahnjong comes out from the kitchen with the box of finished pizza and realizes the tension inside here.

"Welcome home, Mr. Jeong," she tries to break the tension and San looks around the mess they have created. Yeosang starts arranging the sofa and snacks.

"Mr. Jeong, you may sit here for now. Well, guys, It was raining heavily outside so I told him not to drive," Johwa says but Yunho doesn't seem so comfortable with the fact that everyone is around him, staring at him, glaring at him like they are about to savor him. This is beating him up, it's like someone is strangling him but he is unable to fight it.

"Mr. Jeong, you may sit there," Johwa says and he realizes that he was lost in thoughts.

"Alright," he and sits on the sofa as it's clear now.

"Where is Eunseo?" Johwa asks as she doesn't seem anywhere.

"She is asleep in her apartment, maybe she was too tired," Yeosang replies and Johwa nods.

She grabs Ahnjong's hand and drags her in her room closing her door, "Can you keep up conversations with the tallroach? These boys can't, I'm sure."

"For their history with him?" Ahnjong asks and Johwa nods, "Probably and I can't even force them."

"Alright, it's upon me. You don't need to worry. Go change into something comfortable and join us," Ahnjong says.

"Okie, bubba," Johwa hugs her smiling.

Some people in her life, really makes her feel so grateful and Ahnjong is one of them. Life would suck if she wouldn't be here with her. Things would be more difficult for her than now. She should be grateful now, shouldn't she?

Johwa comes back after some moments and see Yunho is not there. Only three of them standing there, taking Ahnjong's glare at them.

"What happened? Where is Mr. Jeong?" Johwa asks.

"I don't know man, I can't handle these kids anymore. I'm done," Ahnjong says falling on a sofa.

Johwa opens the door and starts leaving but Wooyoung grabs her hand, "He doesn't deserve your kindness, Johwa."

"When a man cares about a girl's safety, I will care about his safety and you know why," Johwa says turning at him.

He leaves her hand, "He is such a manipulator, you know nothing about that person."

"I will know myself if I have to," Johwa says and leaves running as she takes the elevator.

She shouldn't argue with her best friend for someone she doesn't like. But his care for her safety moved her in another way which is why she thinks, San was right. He is not that bad. Something happened with him, maybe.

She reaches in the basem*nt and searches for his car. Finding it nowhere, her heart starts getting heavy. She invited him home but she couldn't treat him right. This wasn't right. She did unfair with him.

As she is about to lose hope, she realizes seeing him in his car. As she sneaks inside wanting to call him, she sees Yunho crying thumping on the car, pulling his hair. Like it's hurting so much inside, it's bothering a lot.

What did they do up there? She wonders.

Suddenly Yunho notices her and looks at her.

"Mr. Jeong..." She gulps as he comes out from his car furiously.

He stands in front of her, "Why are you here?" His tone is harsh like he is about to tear her apart.

"I-I didn't want you to go," she says retreating as he is walking towards her.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? You humiliated me on purpose. You took revenge on me," he rasped with angry tears in his eyes making Johwa more scared of him.

"No, Mr. Jeong you're wr-"

"I AM NOT WRONG, I NEVER WAS," Yunho says and Johwa realizes, she is stuck in front of a car.

He is terrifying her, her heart is beating so fast that it's making her knees weak. She shouldn't have come, it's bad. She might lose it right now as her breathing gets heavier.

"Why would you do that?" Yunho asks looking into her eyes. She is looking everywhere but at him, "Answer me, what have I done to you?" As he growled, Johwa's eyes get teary flinching.

"I-I am...I..." her lips trembling, tears dropping down her cheeks.

"Get out," Yunho says but Johwa still trembling underneath him.

"I said LEAVE," Johwa again flinches getting stuck there. Her legs don't want to move neither her lips.

"How dare you?" Suddenly Wooyoung comes dragging Yunho's shoulder, punching him on the face startling Johwa more.

Yunho looks at him wiping off the blood in the corner of his lips.

"Jo, are you okay? Jo, look at me. Jo, everything is fine. You're fine. Hey," Wooyoung tries to make her look at him holding her cold hands.

"I-I can't mo-," she can't even finish her word, Wooyoung takes her in his arms and shoots Yunho another glare then leaves the basem*nt.

As he takes her home, everyone starts asking what happened but Wooyoung straight takes her into her room and places her on the bed, "Won't you have food?"

She nods curling into her bed not being able to stop crying.

"Try to sleep, I'm here," Wooyoung says holding her hands, giving him as much surety as she needs.

It had been years since what she went through but some wounds cut so deep that it takes time to heal those. Anything, anytime brings back those horror which is happening to her.

I hope he feels as terrible as you right now.

Wooyoung thinks caressing her cheeks, wiping her tears, "You're safe, no one is gonna hurt you," when I am with you...

Weekends passes by as normal as before. Even after weekend, Yunho is as harsh as he can with Johwa making her work so much. Rain has become as stubborn as Jeong Yunho which Johwa thinks. It doesn't want to stop all day, all night.

But at least rain is better than him.

Johwa tried to make Wooyoung understand that Yunho became furious because she saw him crying but Wooyoung didn't want to listen a thing. In the end, their relation with each other has ruined more than before.

As for rain, it brought fever and cold in Johwa's life that she had to take leave. But her CEO didn't seem to believe her words.

"Sir, I swear I am not feeling well," Johwa says on the phone rubbing her nose with the last tissue.

"I need you in front of Zephyr in half an hour," Yunho orders her through the phone making her want to punch him this time.

"But si-"

"No, but. You're coming," he says and cuts the call.

"How inhuman he can be!" Johwa falls on her bed kicking in the air a few times then slaps herself so she can get ready as there is no other choice.

And when she looks at the place, Jeong Yunho brought her today, her desire to murder him starts waking up again.

"You called me because you want me to help you shopping?" Johwa asks him in disbelief, how disgusting a person can be?

"Yes, now get inside," he says and walks in.

Johwa starts laughing like a crazy woman and then fake cries as Yunho calls him again.

Today is your last day on the earth tallroach, l'll wipe off your peace today.

She runs after him getting inside the mall, "Why won't he wait for me?"

Suddenly she sees Yunho stopping and looking behind, "Ms. Im, can you walk faster?"

No I can't, I am sick. I have fever, I'm dying.

She stands in front of him breathing heavily, "I've come."

"I have come here to buy some gifts for my girlfriend, I thought you could help me suggesting," Yunho says staring at his phone.

He has searched a thousand of things to gift his girlfriend but none was satisfying him. None was enough for the love of his life.

"Your girlfriend..." Johwa starts thinking, "It depends on who she is."

"Moon Iseul," Yunho says showing her picture, "You should know h-"

"Oh my God, SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND. HOW COULD SHE?" Johwa's sudden excitement amuses Yunho, "Why can't she be my girlfriend...?"

"I mean...I am a biiiiiiiiig fan. She is so pretty and se-I mean nice," Johwa slaps herself again, I've thirst posts about her on my Instagram archive.

"That's normal, she is an actress after all," Yunho says staring at her picture, Indeed the most beautiful woman.

"How did you meet her? What is she like? Oh my God, I can't believe," She keeps asking questions one by one but Yunho just glares at her, "You are here for work, Ms. Im."

"I'm sorry, sir," Johwa sometimes forgets being formal which she thinks a toxic trait of her. But can't even change it because of being so whimsical and stupid which is also her thought.

"However, you can plan a surprise. Like what couples do for each other. A surprise birthday night with various of gifts," Johwa says showing her sparkling eyes at him.

"But she has everything. I don't know what to give her," Yunho says.

"It doesn't matter when you love someone. You gift someone something and she will love those if she loves you back. It doesn't matter how many things she have, your one will always be her favorite ones," Johwa says smiling and feeling a little dizzy.

She is freezing even it's not snowing anywhere, maybe it's my fever but I'm glad when it's about the girl I have whipped for.

"Alright then, let's buy some things she likes," Yunho says starting walk again and Johwa starts running to keep up with him.

He should understand how tiny I am beside him, why would he walk so fast?

As they start shopping, he starts giving all the bags to Johwa which feels so inappropriate to her.

How can she date someone like him, she thinks as everything about him disgusts her.

"Ms. Im faster," Yunho orders her not stopping his shopping.

After mall, it's flowers, cake, diamonds and all the precious things someone can buy for someone they love.

On the other hand, Johwa is almost passing out from moving here to there without any rest. So, from evening to 10:50 they keep shopping and finally he reaches in front of her house. But it's raining again so they are waiting inside the car planning what to do next.

"You can just go inside and spend the time with her now. You've bought enough as far I think if my opinion matters," Johwa says feeling her temperature rising up.

And please let me go home, I wanna sleep.

"Alright, brings these inside then," Yunho says taking the bouquet only.

"Mr. Jeong, shouldn't you take all these b-"

"You don't order me. You do what I say," Yunho says not letting her finish her words.

How can he not stop bothering me, what have I done to him?

"I'm coming," she says and he leaves the car running inside.

There is no time to park his car and wait for the rain to stop, it's never ending. Though he gets wait, he runs inside to open the door.

Johwa follows him with the bags in her hands. As for her, she can't run. Her feet knees are trembling, her runny nose bothering her more, dizziness, nausea everything is making her sick that she gave up on running from the rain. Instead, she gets wet in the rain and follows Yunho as he unlocks the door.

The big corridor start making her feel like a never ending road while she gets mesmerized by the interior inside. It's like a dream to come inside her favorite actress's house but she had to come like this.

"You can take my car and go home. Give me the bags," Yunho says smiling and showing her the keys.

"Thanks but I don't need your car. I'll just call someone to pick me," she says with her tired eyes, I have no strength to drive right now.


"On the couch? Really?" Suddenly they both hear Iseul's voice echoing in the living room.

As Yunho look and Johwa both look inside, Yunho's eyes fill with terror.

His girl underneath someone else, smiling like she smiles underneath him, giggling having kissed on her neck by someone else, melting in someone else's arms like she is his.

The bouquet he bought out of love for her is dropped on the ground making Iseul look at him.

"Oh my... Yunho, what are you doing here now," she fixes her half opened shirt which is surely the other man's. She looks terrified so as the man beside her.

"Mr. Jeong," but suddenly Johwa calls Yunho dropping all the gifts from her hands, starting to fall on the ground.

Yunho looks at her and catches her in his arms, "Ms. Im...", feeling her burning skin though she got wet in the rain.

What have I done to her?

Sometimes in life we get over something by getting into more difficult moments. But we should always thank ourselves for moving on because both things were difficult in different times. But we keep blaming ourselves, don't we all?

Will he focus on his heartbreak or fix the problem he created?

I'm happy that I wrote it :( I've been wanting to finish it for so long but ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) I couldn't. So, here I am with a new chapter. I'm sorry if there's any mistake, I didn't revise it.

Tag list:

@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmysh*t @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world @harusoraa @kitty4hwa

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6288

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.