Unemployment Rate - Concord city, NH (2024)

  1. Data Central
  2. Unemployment Rate


Unemployment Rate

More than 10%

9 - 10%

8 - 9%

7 - 8%

6 - 7%

5 - 6%

4 - 5%

3 - 4%

Less than 3%


County map shows unemployment rate from previous period.

* Per 1,000 population, ** Per 100,000 population

Map: data, Table: data.

At-a-glance: Concord city, NH (May 2024)

Not Seasonally Adjusted
Rate (%)1.7
Labor Force22,715
Record High16.5% on April 2020
Record Low1.0% on April 2023

Related Areas

Not Seasonally Adjusted
Not Seasonally Adjusted
Not Seasonally Adjusted
Area RateUnemploymentEmploymentLabor Force


New Hampshire


Concord, NH Micropolitan NECTA


Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT-ME Combined NECTA


Merrimack County, NH


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43.223094], [-71.476354, 43.223327], [-71.477152, 43.223601], [-71.477323, 43.223623], [-71.477381, 43.223631], [-71.477473, 43.223624], [-71.47749, 43.223613], [-71.477534, 43.223586], [-71.477549, 43.223573], [-71.477625, 43.223509], [-71.478084, 43.222983], [-71.478267, 43.222907], [-71.47845, 43.222922], [-71.478785, 43.222891], [-71.478938, 43.222808], [-71.478984, 43.222708], [-71.478969, 43.222533], [-71.478878, 43.22242], [-71.478761, 43.222348], [-71.478664, 43.222292], [-71.478465, 43.222178], [-71.478444, 43.222172], [-71.478328, 43.222113], [-71.47819, 43.222068], [-71.477412, 43.221923], [-71.477198, 43.221793], [-71.477045, 43.221648], [-71.476817, 43.221251], [-71.476802, 43.221007], [-71.476892, 43.220924], [-71.476904, 43.220919], [-71.477529, 43.220675], [-71.478205, 43.220412], [-71.478511, 43.220275], [-71.478831, 43.219992], [-71.479228, 43.219413], [-71.479426, 43.219146], [-71.479701, 43.218856], [-71.480266, 43.21852], [-71.481242, 43.218215], [-71.481593, 43.217971], [-71.481654, 43.217864], [-71.481623, 43.217757], [-71.481532, 43.217665], [-71.481288, 43.217559], [-71.480906, 43.217551], [-71.480693, 43.217589], [-71.480525, 43.217627], [-71.480357, 43.217795], [-71.480052, 43.21794], [-71.479883, 43.217947], [-71.479701, 43.217955], [-71.47935, 43.21794], [-71.479167, 43.217833], [-71.478861, 43.217498], [-71.478846, 43.217108], [-71.479081, 43.216859], [-71.479335, 43.216689], [-71.479441, 43.216636], [-71.479655, 43.216475], [-71.479945, 43.216361], [-71.480313, 43.216238], [-71.480433, 43.21614], [-71.48051, 43.215972], [-71.480418, 43.215834], [-71.48028, 43.215773], [-71.480143, 43.215758], [-71.479991, 43.215789], [-71.479794, 43.215876], [-71.479716, 43.215911], [-71.479472, 43.215926], [-71.479273, 43.215873], [-71.479213, 43.21572], [-71.479274, 43.215422], [-71.479457, 43.215171], [-71.479579, 43.214881], [-71.479655, 43.214103], [-71.479777, 43.214026], [-71.47993, 43.214034], [-71.480006, 43.214087], [-71.480174, 43.214263], [-71.480326, 43.21437], [-71.48051, 43.2144], [-71.480693, 43.214331], [-71.480732, 43.21426], [-71.480769, 43.214194], [-71.480708, 43.213935], [-71.480586, 43.213668], [-71.480464, 43.213492], [-71.48029, 43.213364], [-71.480143, 43.213256], [-71.479854, 43.21305], [-71.479563, 43.213004], [-71.479182, 43.213042], [-71.478968, 43.213019], [-71.478877, 43.212928], [-71.478877, 43.212684], [-71.47877, 43.212363], [-71.478816, 43.212111], [-71.478907, 43.211921], [-71.479274, 43.211722], [-71.47935, 43.21157], [-71.479395, 43.211379], [-71.479335, 43.211287], [-71.47903, 43.211165], [-71.478959, 43.211074], [-71.478959, 43.211028], [-71.478966, 43.210986], [-71.478984, 43.210883], [-71.479075, 43.210791], [-71.479594, 43.210524], [-71.479802, 43.210323], [-71.479838, 43.21025], [-71.480021, 43.210074], [-71.48025, 43.209983], [-71.480479, 43.209975], [-71.480693, 43.210051], [-71.480917, 43.210248], [-71.48109, 43.210318], [-71.481196, 43.210341], [-71.481334, 43.21025], [-71.481334, 43.210174], [-71.481303, 43.209968], [-71.481166, 43.209685], [-71.480906, 43.209556], [-71.480418, 43.209487], [-71.480128, 43.20925], [-71.47996, 43.209166], [-71.479701, 43.209136], [-71.479456, 43.209197], [-71.479289, 43.20922], [-71.478709, 43.209205], [-71.478282, 43.209136], [-71.478024, 43.209021], [-71.477839, 43.208938], [-71.477473, 43.208869], [-71.476405, 43.208877], [-71.475505, 43.209029], [-71.475276, 43.209006], [-71.475108, 43.208945], [-71.475032, 43.208846], [-71.474955, 43.208785], [-71.474757, 43.208556], [-71.474528, 43.208205], [-71.474271, 43.207556], [-71.474228, 43.207414], [-71.474147, 43.207145], [-71.474176, 43.207045], [-71.474208, 43.206939], [-71.474299, 43.20687], [-71.474345, 43.20684], [-71.474436, 43.206855], [-71.474681, 43.206954], [-71.47497, 43.206969], [-71.475031, 43.206962], [-71.475291, 43.206908], [-71.475733, 43.206763], [-71.476374, 43.206778], [-71.476527, 43.206733], [-71.476679, 43.206656], [-71.476863, 43.206489], [-71.476908, 43.206321], [-71.476924, 43.206008], [-71.477015, 43.205932], [-71.477137, 43.205878], [-71.477397, 43.205749], [-71.477549, 43.205527], [-71.477564, 43.205322], [-71.477473, 43.205062], [-71.477183, 43.204802], [-71.476665, 43.204535], [-71.476558, 43.204497], [-71.475703, 43.204131], [-71.475444, 43.203902], [-71.475382, 43.203757], [-71.475413, 43.20362], [-71.475601, 43.203475], [-71.475749, 43.203361], [-71.476222, 43.203055], [-71.476527, 43.202949], [-71.477214, 43.202613], [-71.477519, 43.202376], [-71.477565, 43.202346], [-71.478159, 43.201736], [-71.478175, 43.20172], [-71.478323, 43.201617], [-71.47845, 43.201529], [-71.478469, 43.201524], [-71.478679, 43.201446], [-71.478776, 43.201431], [-71.479075, 43.201384], [-71.479823, 43.201468], [-71.480189, 43.201438], [-71.480494, 43.2014], [-71.480715, 43.201282], [-71.481135, 43.200782], [-71.481257, 43.200362], [-71.481315, 43.20019], [-71.481342, 43.200108], [-71.481349, 43.200088], [-71.481437, 43.199974], [-71.481456, 43.19995], [-71.481883, 43.199683], [-71.482005, 43.199615], [-71.48228, 43.199531], [-71.482417, 43.199538], [-71.482493, 43.199561], [-71.482585, 43.199653], [-71.482585, 43.200179], [-71.482692, 43.200454], [-71.482844, 43.200667], [-71.483195, 43.20095], [-71.483363, 43.201072], [-71.483546, 43.201057], [-71.483655, 43.200941], [-71.483787, 43.200857], [-71.484324, 43.200576], [-71.484477, 43.200416], [-71.484538, 43.200171], [-71.484614, 43.199851], [-71.484749, 43.199461], [-71.484896, 43.199338], [-71.484981, 43.199271], [-71.485331, 43.199088], [-71.485621, 43.198852], [-71.485774, 43.19876], [-71.486125, 43.198668], [-71.486338, 43.198668], [-71.486476, 43.198745], [-71.486506, 43.198867], [-71.486517, 43.199173], [-71.486522, 43.199332], [-71.486618, 43.199843], [-71.486629, 43.199897], [-71.486842, 43.200172], [-71.486857, 43.200202], [-71.487008, 43.200316], [-71.487272, 43.200334], [-71.487292, 43.200335], [-71.487849, 43.200271], [-71.488154, 43.200309], [-71.488566, 43.200431], [-71.489329, 43.200789], [-71.489665, 43.20098], [-71.489909, 43.201087], [-71.490306, 43.201217], [-71.490764, 43.201301], [-71.491038, 43.201224], [-71.49116, 43.201125], [-71.491237, 43.20098], [-71.491267, 43.200667], [-71.491359, 43.200362], [-71.491511, 43.200164], [-71.491526, 43.200149], [-71.491924, 43.199958], [-71.492315, 43.199619], [-71.492414, 43.199528], [-71.492564, 43.199386], [-71.493098, 43.19905], [-71.493404, 43.198951], [-71.493674, 43.198916], [-71.493815, 43.198897], [-71.494014, 43.198905], [-71.494319, 43.198981], [-71.494578, 43.199119], [-71.494701, 43.199294], [-71.494853, 43.199637], [-71.494879, 43.199734], [-71.494914, 43.199866], [-71.494991, 43.200034], [-71.495128, 43.200133], [-71.495204, 43.200179], [-71.49528, 43.200202], [-71.495555, 43.200225], [-71.49583, 43.200171], [-71.496059, 43.200118], [-71.496303, 43.20011], [-71.496376, 43.200152], [-71.496416, 43.200155], [-71.496455, 43.200194], [-71.496608, 43.200324], [-71.496669, 43.200507], [-71.496578, 43.200782], [-71.496638, 43.200942], [-71.496974, 43.201163], [-71.497737, 43.201423], [-71.498531, 43.201453], [-71.499141, 43.201339], [-71.499524, 43.201304], [-71.499538, 43.201301], [-71.4997, 43.201265], [-71.49982, 43.201271], [-71.499925, 43.201282], [-71.50003, 43.201282], [-71.500187, 43.201216], [-71.500224, 43.201166], [-71.500262, 43.201122], [-71.500277, 43.201067], [-71.500299, 43.201023], [-71.500307, 43.20099], [-71.500261, 43.200886], [-71.500164, 43.200842], [-71.500074, 43.200799], [-71.499969, 43.200771], [-71.499833, 43.200733], [-71.499728, 43.2007], [-71.499539, 43.20069], [-71.499526, 43.200689], [-71.498973, 43.200599], [-71.498699, 43.200408], [-71.49847, 43.200301], [-71.498302, 43.200225], [-71.498089, 43.200255], [-71.49789, 43.200393], [-71.497661, 43.200454], [-71.497447, 43.200431], [-71.497279, 43.200332], [-71.497173, 43.200171], [-71.497157, 43.200133], [-71.49673, 43.199195], [-71.496608, 43.19889], [-71.496608, 43.198379], [-71.496517, 43.198005], [-71.496334, 43.197585], [-71.49615, 43.197333], [-71.495922, 43.196899], [-71.495891, 43.196525], [-71.495982, 43.196059], [-71.495967, 43.19596], [-71.495922, 43.195945], [-71.495845, 43.19593], [-71.495479, 43.195945], [-71.49529, 43.195907], [-71.495256, 43.195903], [-71.495098, 43.195868], [-71.494854, 43.1957], [-71.494844, 43.195688], [-71.494685, 43.195487], [-71.494594, 43.195159], [-71.494594, 43.194922], [-71.49467, 43.194617], [-71.494625, 43.194388], [-71.494489, 43.19407], [-71.494472, 43.19403], [-71.494442, 43.193904], [-71.494228, 43.193015], [-71.494105, 43.192779], [-71.493953, 43.192718], [-71.493801, 43.192702], [-71.493419, 43.192741], [-71.493266, 43.192718], [-71.493205, 43.192702], [-71.49319, 43.192611], [-71.493245, 43.192451], [-71.493266, 43.19239], [-71.493297, 43.191711], [-71.493389, 43.191215], [-71.493404, 43.190841], [-71.493281, 43.190276], [-71.492824, 43.188811], [-71.492412, 43.18782], [-71.492412, 43.187728], [-71.492503, 43.187614], [-71.49261, 43.187446], [-71.492595, 43.187339], [-71.492427, 43.18708], [-71.492137, 43.18682], [-71.49203, 43.186675], [-71.491969, 43.186317], [-71.491923, 43.186126], [-71.491725, 43.185981], [-71.4915, 43.185883], [-71.49137, 43.185825], [-71.491298, 43.185767], [-71.490991, 43.185466], [-71.490932, 43.185226], [-71.490978, 43.185104], [-71.491206, 43.184943], [-71.491298, 43.184844], [-71.491374, 43.184661], [-71.491252, 43.184562], [-71.490672, 43.184302], [-71.49055, 43.184142], [-71.49055, 43.184013], [-71.490657, 43.183898], [-71.490749, 43.183852], [-71.490816, 43.18385], [-71.490947, 43.183845], [-71.491267, 43.183791], [-71.491527, 43.183662], [-71.49171, 43.183479], [-71.491862, 43.18312], [-71.492, 43.182761], [-71.492141, 43.18262], [-71.492198, 43.182563], [-71.492323, 43.18248], [-71.492336, 43.182471], [-71.492931, 43.182266], [-71.493007, 43.182258], [-71.493205, 43.182159], [-71.493327, 43.182052], [-71.493358, 43.18177], [-71.493434, 43.181487], [-71.493678, 43.181083], [-71.493907, 43.180892], [-71.494395, 43.180633], [-71.49467, 43.180557], [-71.494899, 43.18052], [-71.495097, 43.180488], [-71.495845, 43.180442], [-71.495993, 43.180432], [-71.496608, 43.180389], [-71.497005, 43.180328], [-71.497386, 43.18019], [-71.497661, 43.180022], [-71.498027, 43.179641], [-71.498256, 43.179496], [-71.498546, 43.179458], [-71.498775, 43.17945], [-71.49908, 43.179542], [-71.49937, 43.179656], [-71.499539, 43.179671], [-71.499859, 43.179618], [-71.499965, 43.179496], [-71.500011, 43.179252], [-71.500021, 43.179223], [-71.500057, 43.179115], [-71.500179, 43.178962], [-71.500453, 43.178718], [-71.500484, 43.178542], [-71.50053, 43.178359], [-71.500637, 43.178214], [-71.500774, 43.178069], [-71.500881, 43.178001], [-71.501033, 43.178008], [-71.501155, 43.178077], [-71.501338, 43.178191], [-71.501476, 43.178245], [-71.501644, 43.178275], [-71.501781, 43.178176], [-71.501796, 43.178062], [-71.501842, 43.17784], [-71.501934, 43.17768], [-71.502116, 43.177467], [-71.5023, 43.177322], [-71.502483, 43.177161], [-71.50262, 43.177078], [-71.502742, 43.176894], [-71.502864, 43.176734], [-71.502834, 43.176612], [-71.502681, 43.176513], [-71.502437, 43.176391], [-71.5023, 43.176292], [-71.502208, 43.176177], [-71.502101, 43.175994], [-71.501979, 43.175895], [-71.501812, 43.175834], [-71.501582, 43.175796], [-71.501354, 43.175803], [-71.501079, 43.175811], [-71.500743, 43.175849], [-71.50053, 43.17588], [-71.500316, 43.175933], [-71.500133, 43.175903], [-71.500011, 43.175895], [-71.49992, 43.175803], [-71.499843, 43.175681], [-71.499889, 43.175544], [-71.499843, 43.175338], [-71.499675, 43.175193], [-71.499583, 43.175094], [-71.499543, 43.174962], [-71.499539, 43.174948], [-71.499539, 43.174934], [-71.499503, 43.1749], [-71.499419, 43.17482], [-71.499295, 43.174704], [-71.499248, 43.174659], [-71.49908, 43.174598], [-71.498455, 43.174598], [-71.498272, 43.17456], [-71.497981, 43.174316], [-71.497829, 43.174285], [-71.497493, 43.174339], [-71.497203, 43.174423], [-71.497097, 43.174491], [-71.496883, 43.174827], [-71.496837, 43.174949], [-71.496623, 43.175193], [-71.49641, 43.175521], [-71.496288, 43.175605], [-71.496074, 43.175674], [-71.495998, 43.175681], [-71.495647, 43.175674], [-71.495326, 43.17559], [-71.494869, 43.175521], [-71.494502, 43.175544], [-71.494129, 43.175597], [-71.494014, 43.175613], [-71.4938, 43.175651], [-71.492366, 43.176078], [-71.492046, 43.176086], [-71.491938, 43.176017], [-71.491801, 43.175857], [-71.491758, 43.175667], [-71.491759, 43.175652], [-71.491786, 43.17559], [-71.49203, 43.175262], [-71.492015, 43.175109], [-71.491908, 43.174957], [-71.491863, 43.174857], [-71.491756, 43.174735], [-71.49168, 43.174522], [-71.49174, 43.174056], [-71.491634, 43.173774], [-71.491496, 43.173568], [-71.491344, 43.17324], [-71.491451, 43.172584], [-71.491405, 43.172363], [-71.491222, 43.172172], [-71.491084, 43.172111], [-71.490962, 43.172118], [-71.490825, 43.172218], [-71.490687, 43.172378], [-71.490413, 43.172706], [-71.490388, 43.172727], [-71.490321, 43.172782], [-71.490269, 43.172804], [-71.489604, 43.17308], [-71.489436, 43.173118], [-71.489283, 43.173095], [-71.489192, 43.173026], [-71.489146, 43.172965], [-71.489116, 43.172569], [-71.488994, 43.172179], [-71.488905, 43.171898], [-71.488902, 43.17131], [-71.488871, 43.170989], [-71.488673, 43.170776], [-71.488536, 43.170722], [-71.488093, 43.1706], [-71.487971, 43.170532], [-71.487895, 43.170333], [-71.487819, 43.16986], [-71.487819, 43.169639], [-71.487849, 43.169441], [-71.487864, 43.168601], [-71.487941, 43.168006], [-71.487926, 43.1676], [-71.48806, 43.167249], [-71.488215, 43.167022], [-71.488597, 43.166786], [-71.488688, 43.16677], [-71.488932, 43.16677], [-71.4891, 43.166847], [-71.489207, 43.16703], [-71.489223, 43.167282], [-71.489055, 43.167861], [-71.489085, 43.168167], [-71.489222, 43.168395], [-71.489406, 43.168548], [-71.489482, 43.168731], [-71.489513, 43.168838], [-71.489497, 43.168922], [-71.489345, 43.169128], [-71.489329, 43.16925], [-71.489375, 43.169303], [-71.489635, 43.169395], [-71.48994, 43.169433], [-71.49026, 43.169303], [-71.490398, 43.169227], [-71.490611, 43.168975], [-71.490702, 43.168922], [-71.490875, 43.168916], [-71.490932, 43.168914], [-71.491557, 43.168914], [-71.492275, 43.168884], [-71.493343, 43.168792], [-71.493492, 43.168782], [-71.4938, 43.168762], [-71.494228, 43.168807], [-71.494926, 43.1688], [-71.495219, 43.168807], [-71.495418, 43.168807], [-71.495662, 43.168846], [-71.495906, 43.168876], [-71.496028, 43.168907], [-71.496227, 43.168937], [-71.49641, 43.168952], [-71.496486, 43.168945], [-71.496562, 43.168945], [-71.496685, 43.168929], [-71.496822, 43.168884], [-71.496913, 43.168823], [-71.496974, 43.168723], [-71.49702, 43.168624], [-71.49699, 43.168495], [-71.496959, 43.168372], [-71.496913, 43.168273], [-71.496868, 43.168144], [-71.496822, 43.16806], [-71.496791, 43.168014], [-71.496761, 43.167945], [-71.4967, 43.167869], [-71.496608, 43.167739], [-71.496501, 43.167617], [-71.496395, 43.167549], [-71.496257, 43.167434], [-71.496074, 43.167358], [-71.495937, 43.167297], [-71.495753, 43.167274], [-71.495586, 43.167251], [-71.495433, 43.167236], [-71.495326, 43.167228], [-71.495219, 43.16722], [-71.495097, 43.167205], [-71.49496, 43.167159], [-71.494792, 43.167129], [-71.494701, 43.167076], [-71.494625, 43.167014], [-71.494594, 43.166946], [-71.494548, 43.166862], [-71.494548, 43.166809], [-71.494577, 43.166757], [-71.494594, 43.166686], [-71.49467, 43.166625], [-71.494731, 43.166572], [-71.494836, 43.16652], [-71.495034, 43.166443], [-71.495128, 43.166412], [-71.495281, 43.166389], [-71.495418, 43.166366], [-71.495601, 43.166351], [-71.495813, 43.166207], [-71.495845, 43.166122], [-71.49583, 43.166061], [-71.495784, 43.165908], [-71.495754, 43.16587], [-71.495693, 43.165832], [-71.49554, 43.165824], [-71.495372, 43.165786], [-71.495189, 43.165771], [-71.495067, 43.16574], [-71.494975, 43.165702], [-71.494869, 43.165664], [-71.494716, 43.165626], [-71.494502, 43.16555], [-71.494182, 43.165489], [-71.494045, 43.165473], [-71.493877, 43.165473], [-71.493617, 43.165511], [-71.493449, 43.165542], [-71.493327, 43.165542], [-71.493266, 43.165542], [-71.49319, 43.165489], [-71.493129, 43.165473], [-71.493068, 43.165412], [-71.493038, 43.165367], [-71.493007, 43.165298], [-71.492992, 43.165191], [-71.493005, 43.165025], [-71.493007, 43.164947], [-71.493037, 43.164848], [-71.493083, 43.164604], [-71.49319, 43.164352], [-71.493282, 43.164085], [-71.493327, 43.163932], [-71.493342, 43.163886], [-71.493358, 43.163795], [-71.493343, 43.163688], [-71.493312, 43.163558], [-71.493282, 43.163528], [-71.493225, 43.163465], [-71.493207, 43.163445], [-71.493114, 43.163413], [-71.493038, 43.163368], [-71.492976, 43.163352], [-71.492946, 43.163337], [-71.492885, 43.163299], [-71.492824, 43.163246], [-71.492793, 43.1632], [-71.492763, 43.163101], [-71.492763, 43.163047], [-71.492854, 43.162986], [-71.492946, 43.16294], [-71.493083, 43.162834], [-71.493131, 43.162806], [-71.493175, 43.16278], [-71.493251, 43.162719], [-71.493297, 43.162666], [-71.493358, 43.162597], [-71.493419, 43.162498], [-71.493495, 43.162414], [-71.493587, 43.162322], [-71.493679, 43.162246], [-71.493846, 43.162162], [-71.493968, 43.162109], [-71.494121, 43.162048], [-71.494197, 43.162033], [-71.494319, 43.161979], [-71.494411, 43.161895], [-71.494456, 43.161819], [-71.494487, 43.161651], [-71.494518, 43.161491], [-71.494532, 43.161319], [-71.494547, 43.16121], [-71.494548, 43.161117], [-71.494534, 43.161033], [-71.494518, 43.160987], [-71.494487, 43.160934], [-71.494457, 43.160888], [-71.49438, 43.160865], [-71.494289, 43.16085], [-71.49409, 43.160835], [-71.493816, 43.160865], [-71.493587, 43.160873], [-71.493465, 43.160888], [-71.493407, 43.160895], [-71.493236, 43.16085], [-71.49319, 43.160827], [-71.493098, 43.160804], [-71.493068, 43.160766], [-71.493022, 43.16072], [-71.493007, 43.160667], [-71.492977, 43.160629], [-71.493022, 43.16056], [-71.493098, 43.160407], [-71.493205, 43.160186], [-71.493312, 43.160018], [-71.493404, 43.159858], [-71.493434, 43.159774], [-71.493555, 43.159644], [-71.4938, 43.159392], [-71.49395, 43.159231], [-71.49409, 43.15908], [-71.494303, 43.158881], [-71.494379, 43.15882], [-71.494502, 43.158698], [-71.494654, 43.158576], [-71.494672, 43.158553], [-71.494721, 43.158488], [-71.495006, 43.158325], [-71.496072, 43.159185], [-71.497112, 43.160026], [-71.497981, 43.160652], [-71.498851, 43.16127], [-71.499523, 43.161689], [-71.499539, 43.161698], [-71.500194, 43.162048], [-71.500842, 43.162379], [-71.504452, 43.164103], [-71.504533, 43.16415], [-71.506144, 43.164998], [-71.506343, 43.165107], [-71.507015, 43.165328], [-71.507473, 43.165435], [-71.507849, 43.1655], [-71.507961, 43.165519], [-71.508419, 43.165519], [-71.509242, 43.165519], [-71.509853, 43.165511], [-71.510841, 43.165512], [-71.510998, 43.165512], [-71.512178, 43.165531], [-71.512493, 43.165534], [-71.513301, 43.165641], [-71.514705, 43.165908], [-71.516201, 43.166221], [-71.517681, 43.166519], [-71.518795, 43.166801], [-71.519589, 43.167053], [-71.520184, 43.167312], [-71.520672, 43.16761], [-71.521114, 43.167983], [-71.521435, 43.168266], [-71.521709, 43.168533], [-71.521999, 43.168739], [-71.522362, 43.168976], [-71.523539, 43.169719], [-71.523551, 43.169734], [-71.524181, 43.170234], [-71.524548, 43.170555], [-71.52499, 43.170905], [-71.525234, 43.171211], [-71.525525, 43.171531], [-71.525661, 43.171752], [-71.525753, 43.172133], [-71.525631, 43.172431], [-71.525494, 43.172668], [-71.524761, 43.173789], [-71.524593, 43.174133], [-71.524609, 43.174384], [-71.524563, 43.174644], [-71.524426, 43.174964], [-71.524364, 43.175323], [-71.524395, 43.175613], [-71.524426, 43.176124], [-71.524304, 43.176765], [-71.524197, 43.177146], [-71.523998, 43.177642], [-71.523648, 43.178069], [-71.52322, 43.178283], [-71.522732, 43.178581], [-71.522381, 43.178886], 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Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau

Unemployment Rate - Concord city, NH (2024)


How many people are on NH unemployment? ›

The number of unemployed residents increased by 480 over-the-month to 19,590. This was 3,430 more unemployed than in July 2023, primarily due to residents reentering the labor force after a long absence. From June 2024 to July 2024, the total labor force increased by 40 to 769,940.

What is the unemployment rate in Manchester NH? ›

Manchester, NH Unemployment Rate is at 3.10%, compared to 2.60% last month and 2.20% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.49%.

What is the unemployment rate in Clinton County KY? ›

The annual jobless rate for Carlisle County was the lowest in the Commonwealth in 2020 at 4.7%. It was followed by Oldham and Todd counties, 4.8% each; Cumberland County, 4.9%; Woodford County, 5%; Clinton County, 5.1%; Pendleton County, 5.2%; Lyon County, 5.3%; and Boone, Green and Monroe counties, 5.4% each.

What is the unemployment rate in Cedar Rapids Iowa? ›

Cedar Rapids, IA
Data SeriesFeb 2024Mar 2024
Civilian Labor Force(1)142.4140.4
Unemployment Rate(2)4.33.3
25 more rows

What US state has the most unemployment rate? ›

States With the Highest Unemployment Rate

Puerto Rico topped the list of the nation's highest unemployment rates at 5.8%, followed by Washington, D.C., at 5.4% and California at 5.2%. Table with 3 columns and 5 rows.

What is the employer rate for unemployment in NH? ›

New Hampshire's unemployment tax rates for the first quarter of 2024 will remain unchanged, according to a Jan. 2 update on the state's Employment Security Department website. Tax rates will range from 0.1% to1. 7% for positive-rated employers, with a solvency threshold tax reduction of 1%.

What is Max unemployment in NH? ›

Benefit Payments and Duration
Duration of BenefitsWeekly Payment
26 weeks$32$427

Which city has the most unemployment rate? ›

Cities With the Highest Unemployment Rate

El Centro, CA, topped the list of the nation's highest unemployment rates at 18.7%, followed by Yuma, AZ, at 16% and the Visalia-Porterville, CA, metropolitan statistical area at 10.9%.

Which town has the highest unemployment rate? ›

Full list of UK towns and cities where most amount of people are on unemployment benefits
RankAreaPercentage of people unemployed (2024)*
4Barking and Dagenham7.1
6 more rows
Apr 12, 2024

What state currently has the lowest unemployment rate? ›

The national unemployment rate rose to 4.0% in 2024 Q2, up from 3.8% in the first quarter. D.C. and California had the highest overall unemployment rates at 5.3% and 5.2% respectively, while North and South Dakota maintained the lowest unemployment rates, both at 2.0%.

What is the most recently reported unemployment rate? ›


What is the top rate for unemployment? ›

The majority of U.S. states offer unemployment benefits for up to 26 weeks. Benefits range from $235 a week to $823. Policies and benefits vary by state. Mississippi has the lowest maximum unemployment benefits in the U.S. of $235 per week, while Massachusetts has the highest at $823.

What is the unemployment rate in Nashua NH? ›

Nashua, NH Unemployment Rate (I:NNHUR)

Nashua, NH Unemployment Rate is at 3.50%, compared to 2.90% last month and 2.60% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.68%.

How much is unemployment in DC? ›

According to the District of Columbia's Office of Unemployment Compensation, “All claimants can receive a standard 26 weeks of benefits. The maximum weekly benefit amount you may receive is $444.” In certain situations, individuals may be eligible for additional benefits or extensions beyond the standard period.

What is the most current unemployment rate in Ohio? ›

Ohio Unemployment Rate is at 4.50%, compared to 4.40% last month and 3.40% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 6.48%.

What state has the highest maximum unemployment? ›

Policies and benefits vary by state. Mississippi has the lowest maximum unemployment benefits in the U.S. of $235 per week, while Massachusetts has the highest at $823. North Carolina and Florida offer unemployment benefits for the shortest length of time with a maximum of 12 weeks.

What is the labor participation rate in New Hampshire? ›

Labor Force Participation Rate for New Hampshire (LBSNSA33)
Jul 2024:66.2
Jun 2024:65.9
May 2024:65.3
Apr 2024:65.4
Mar 2024:65.8
1 more row

Who receives the most unemployment? ›

Black people and Native Americans have the highest unemployment rates among all racial and ethnic groups identified by the census. Asian Americans and white people have the lowest unemployment rates.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.