Why Is The Sky Crawlers So Good (2025)

1. The Sky Crawlers Review: Too Much Mystery For A Mere Fighter Pilot

  • Feb 11, 2013 · The Sky Crawlers is more mystery film than action film, its visuals are both great at best and average at worst. The plot can be somewhat vague ...

  • As of late, it would appear I have been getting paired with nothing but war story Anime, (see my last review of Now and Then, Here and There). But anything is better than having me watch Grave of t…

2. The Sky Crawlers - Analysis - Fn/Log

  • Missing: so | Show results with:so

  • The Sky Crawlers The Sky Crawlers (2008) is an art film disguised as war film. Considering Mamoru Oshii previous works such as Angel's Egg or Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, this film is expected to artistic or not typical. Indeed, this film is quiet and philosophical although it does not fully translate to engaging or entertaining. The story itself is convoluted and characters uninteresting but not without merit or meaning. As a simple synopsis, a boy joins a military air force and discovers the truth about the war and himself. Seems like a normal coming of age.

3. Mamoru Oshii's - The Sky Crawlers - Mecha Talk

  • Jun 18, 2009 · The animation was superb but it didn't really go anywhere deep. I even described to friends that the entire show felt like a High Definition ...

  • manmiles wrote:It's the curse of people who studied film or English Lit at school (and I hold my hand up as one of them), you're trained to watch the film and work out some sort of discernable context which actually makes the film seem less like a fun way to burn a few hours and more a revolutionary discourse on the human spirit.

4. “The Sky Crawlers” by Mamoru Oshii (Review) - Opus

5. THE SKY CRAWLERS Review - ScreenAnarchy

  • Apr 6, 2009 · However, the CGI works wonders for the scenes it's meant for: the aerial dogfights, which are certainly amongst the best ever seen in a film.

  • Last weekend I FINALLY saw Mamoru Oshii's new(est) film "The Sky Crawlers", and while I wasn't planning to write a review beforehand (Twitch has some good ones already, courtesy of Todd, Kurt and recently Onderhond) I can't help myself doing...

6. Review: The Sky Crawlers | The Forgotten - WordPress.com

  • Jun 8, 2009 · If you are looking for a film to be non-stop dogfight action then you will be disappointed and also find the story somewhat anti-climactic, but ...

  • 2008 | Director: Mamoru Oshii (“Ghost in the Shell”, “Avalon”) The first thing one has to transcend in order to appreciate a Japanese animation–or “anime”&…

7. The Sky Crawlers - THEM Anime Reviews

  • The airplane dog fights were breathtaking and the animation is so fast, crisp and clear in its blink-and-miss-it style. (So don't even think of blinking.) And I ...

  • Dedicated to reviews, as well as information, humor and discussion on Japanese animation.

8. Sky Crawlers; I Didn't Get it, Did You? - Forum - Anime News Network

9. The Sky Crawlers Review - bonutzuu - WordPress.com

  • Aug 15, 2018 · The Sky Crawlers is very heavy and with many haunting moments, but is a film that requires a lot of patience.

  • One of those movies where it’s either the best thing you’ve watched in the year or makes you sleep within the first ten minutes.

10. Sky Crawlers Is One of Mamoru Oshii's Best Directed Anime - CBR

  • Sep 8, 2022 · In some ways, it feels as if the central premise in The Sky Crawlers subverts and satirizes the anime industry's direction. The movie has a ...

  • The Sky Crawlers is an overlooked movie from Mamoru Oshii, but the exciting piloting film featured unique animation and a scathingly critical plot.

11. Don't give up: dying in pursuit of change and The Sky Crawlers

  • Apr 23, 2013 · With Kenji Kawai and Production IG alongside him, it's a film as thoughtful as it is beautiful. Set on an alternate Earth, the ageless Kildren ( ...

  • April 23, 2013

12. The Sky Crawlers - Reviews - MyAnimeList.net

  • A great movie with stunning animation and sound, yet still a mile away from being flawless. Although story takes place during a war, it concentrates on the ...

  • Read reviews on the anime The Sky Crawlers on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. In an alternate timeline, the world has seemingly achieved peace. Bereft of international conflicts, wars are now waged between private corporations in place of peaceful nations. Yuuichi Kannami, a recent transfer in Area 262, simply does his job as a contracted fighter pilot. However, the more time he spends at his new base, the more mysteries come to light. The Sky Crawlers exhibits this reality t...

13. Review of The Sky Crawlers

  • The production values of the movie are solid, but haven't aged particularly well in the decade that followed it. The 2D characters are a bit flat, and have ...

  • Reviews of 2D animated films and anime.

14. The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces Review - IGN

  • Jan 8, 2010 · It's an interesting story, but with the in-game plot centered around 20 minutes of total animation and very little text between missions players ...

  • As a closet fan of both anime and flight games, Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces instantly had me interested from the first time random screenshots and snippets of info hit the web. When publisher XSEED – responsible for other Japan-to-US conversions such as Rune Factory, Little King's Story, and the upcoming Fragile Dreams – to it upon themselves to team with Namco and bring the game to US shores, I dove into the movie, read up on the series, and happily hopped into the cockpit of Innocent Aces. And while the anime feature film itself was a mix of entertaining action and some depressing (and admittedly slow) storytelling, Innocent Aces kept pulling me back in. Players eager to explore a well-crafted Wii flight game will find the best offering on the system with the release of Innocent Aces next week.

15. Revisiting // The Sky Crawlers - Nihon Animation

  • Jan 31, 2020 · Having debuted in 2008, it still holds up quite well. There are some animators and directors that refuse to rely too heavily on CG, especially ...

  • There came a point in my consumption of motion pictures, anime and manga in which I decided to no longer read the synopsis, the back cover or watch the cinematic trailer. What serves as a means of …

Why Is The Sky Crawlers So Good (2025)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.