Jasper's Birthday - imadumdumjewel - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

In the sky…a rainbow keyboard trails through the clouds. Four girls, a cat fairy, and several tone fairies are making their way to Jump City… To those of you who are big Precure fans...You know who they are…

Hibiki: This is the best idea ever! Saves money on plane tickets!!!

Kanade: But how do we land?!

Hibiki: Who cares! We always land safely on this keyboard thing!

Ellen: I mean, I’ve traveled on these things for years and I never had any problem.

Hibiki: See? Perfectly safe!

Ako: I don’t know. I remember grandpa telling me that these keyboards have a limit on the distance you can travel-

The keyboard suddenly stops, calling quits.

Hibiki: EH?!



Hummy: It’s okay! Cats always land on their feet-nya!!!


Everybody screams as they fall.

Dory: OH NO-DODO!!!


The Fairy Tones try to catch them in the air, but they’re too heavy.

Down below.

Jade: Jadeite! Royal Jewel Flash!!!

Several party favors appear. Everything from tables, plastic cups, plates, utensils, napkins, pinata, balloons, just ANYTHING relating to a birthday party!

Jade: Tada~~~

Robin: All is well, except…

Cyborg: You forgot to help us with the inflatable pool.

Beast Boy: We’s still pumping, yo!

Peridot: My arms are killing me-desu!

Jade: How big is this pool?

Raven: Bigger than our regular pool.

Diana: -lounging around as usual- Aaaah. Sunshine.

Luea: Do you ever bother to help?

Diana: No. I’m allergic to manual labor. You know that. My doctor even said so.

Luea: King never gave such a diagnosis.

Diana: The only thing I want to hear right now is the tranquil sound of the waves and the screams of fear-... Screams of fear? -lifts her sunglasses, staring at something falling from the sky- What is that?

Luea: Is that…


Chaos ensues.

Ruby: EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!!! -hides in the bushes-

Luea: Everybody calm down- -Ruby pulls her in the bush- ARGH!!!



Opal: -hugging Cyborg- It’s okay, Victor! I’m here for you!!! We’ll die together!

Eclipse: -casually eating some apple slices-


Luea: That voice…



Ako: -sigh- We’ve been screaming for five minutes. I think we should be tired.

The four land in the inflatable pool. It cushions their fall, but at the same time it also bursts, letting all the air out.

Beast Boy: NOOO! Our hard work!!!

Peridot: -lays on the ground with her “soul” leaving her body- Uuugh…

Starfire: -just walking out- My friends! I just want to do the informing that-

Hummy lands conveniently in Starfire’s hands.

Hummy: … Hi, Starfire!

Starfire: -gasps- THE KITTY!!! -hugs Hummy- I missed you so the much!

Ellen: -groaning as she pokes out from the deflated pool- Ughhhh technically I’m a cat too…

Luea: Suite Pretty Cure!

The four suddenly stand up.

Hibiki: Strumming the frantic tune! Hibiki Hojo!

Kanade: Strumming the tranquil tune! Kanade Minamino!

Ellen: Strumming the beat’s soul! Ellen Kurokawa! Or...Siren!

Ako: -unamused- Um… I’m just Ako… -facepalms- You girls are like you’re in preschool.

Hibiki, Kanade, and Ellen: Resonate! Our musical suite! Suite Pretty Cure! -group pose-

Luea: It’s not some world emergency now...it’s just...an upcoming surprise birthday party for one of our friends.

Hibiki: Wait, what?

Luea: Yeah, that’s why we called you here.

Jade: You see, it’s Jasper and Prase’ birthday-

Prase: -appears- Oi! It’s my birthday, first!!!

Ruby: Oh, hello Prase.

Prase: Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!!!

Jade: Sooo, since Kanade knows how to bake, we thought we could use your assistance.

Kanade: Oooh, I can easily help with that! I’m a connoisseur of cakes! -winks confidently-

Sango: -in the background- A connoisseur of THIEVERY-NYA! I’m the only baker here-nya!

Kanade: Actually, Hibiki and Hummy are thieves.

Hibiki: No, I’m not!

Ellen: Where is Jasper, though?

Jade: He has work at Qwik Mart today. That leaves us with plenty of time to prepare.

Kanade: I’ll show you my signature recipe!

Sango: No, mine!

Everyone: Shut up, Sango!

Sango: -wallows in her sorrows- Nyaaaa....

Everyone else: CAKE PREPARATION TIMEEEEEEEE!!!! -airhorns-

Everyone is so happy...except Jasper.

At the trailer park where Jasper lives…

Jasper: -watching some TV by himself, constantly flipping through the channels- Ughhhh, drab… Can’t believe I have to lie to my boss that I was sick…

The cheetah had become a recluse in the past weeks alone. His last encounter with Topaz had taken its toll on his mental health. It seems no matter how many heavy defeats the terrier suffers, she just doesn’t give up.

Jasper: Sigh, family feud. Day after day. -he continues to flip through the channels until, speak of the devil, a movie that’s all about drama- Oh good...I saw this last week… Might as well watch it again…-he puts the remote aside and enjoys the show-

The screen first fades out to show two siblings playing in a meadow of the rural countryside.

Jasper: -sits up straight- Wait a second… I’ve seen this before, yet…

He vaguely remembers a similar situation with himself and Topaz.

Jasper: She used to bother making and crafting flower related accessories for me...such as lapels, garlands, and pins...even though I’m a male…

Jasper can remember getting similar accessories when he was able to walk.

Topaz: Here. -had made a flower crown and placed it on little Jasper’s head- Wear it. Look pretty and strong!

Jasper: I like it!

Topaz: You’re going to be a dashing boy! Lots of girls will swoon over you!

Jasper: Swoon?

Topaz: It means falling in love badly!

Present day.

Jasper: -pulling out an old box full of memories- I’m amazed how long Jewel Land flowers can last… That was a great gift…

As he continues watching the drama...back at the tower’s kitchen.

Sango: This isn’t fair-nya! I’ve been here longer than you!

Kanade: I come from a long line of patisseries! You trying to mess with my craft, cat?!

Ruby: -suddenly intercepts, wearing a paper badge that says “security”- Okay okay! I want to ask! How’s the cake doing?!

Kanade: We haven’t started putting it in the oven yet.

Sango: Because we can’t agree how long we should heat it-nya!

Ruby: Let’s think about Jasper first!

Sango: By the way, why are you wearing that badge-nya?

Ruby: -fancy pose- I’m a certified Kitchen Security Guard!

Kanade: Sounds weird.

Ruby: Hey, I’m protecting you from weird people! -creepy zoom-in- Like Dr. Fox…

Dr. Fox: Oh hi! You haven’t started baking yet? This means I can test my new chemical that will make it bake faster! ...At least in theory!

Kanade: -gasps- NOOOOOO!!!

Sango: NYAAA! -she tries to pounce on Dr. Fox, but it was too late-

The chemicals have caused the cake to come to life as a monster.



Hibiki: -runs in- Woah! A walking cake! Nice! How did you make that?

Kanade: I DON’T CARE! Let’s just transform, and-

Hibiki: Screw transforming! -puts on a “let’s eat” napkin around her neck- I’m betting my pride as a woman on THIS!!!

Kanade: WHAT?!

Hibiki: YAAAAHH!!! -she advances at the cake monster and… munches it up bit by bit-

Ruby: Oh my…

Sango: Her sweet tooth is just like mine-nya…

Hibiki: -lays on the floor, patting her full belly- Aaaah! Nice! That was delicious!

Kanade: Well, there goes the cake… thanks, Hibiki.

Hibiki: No problem-


Hibiki: Well, you were gonna die if I didn’t eat it-


Hibiki: Well who made the cake walk in the first place?

Sango: She did it! -points to Dr. Fox-

Dr. Fox: Uh oh…

Ruby: As the Kitchen Security Guard, you are hereby BANNED from this kitchen!!! -tornado kick-

Dr. Fox: -is kicked out of the kitchen, and falls to pieces- OW!!!

Hibiki: -exits the kitchen- Mmm! Let me know when you make another!

Kanade: Okay, I guess it’s time for round two…

Sango: And this time, we do it MY way-nya!

Kanade: No, MINE!

Ruby: We are not going to talk about Jasper?

Kanade and Sango: YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!

Ruby: Ugh, fine. I’m surrounded by buzzkills. -gets back to guarding-

Back to Jasper who is in his trailer, still glued to the drama movie.

Now he’s watching a part where one sibling is jealous of the other, because they were catching up with their learning.

Older sibling [in the scenario]: Darryl! How come you, who’s been a late bloomer, is learning THIS fast?! I’m the one who mastered that earlier than you!

Younger sibling [also in the scenario]: Sheran… I dunno...I’m just merely groping and fumbling at my own pace...definitely not trying to supersede you or anything!

Older sibling [Sheran]: LIAR!!! You are trying to overthrow me PURPOSEFULLY!!!!!

Younger Sibling [Darryl]: -crying- I REALLY DON’T MEAN THAT WAY, SIS!!!!

Jasper wretches as he watches the two siblings break into a fierce fight on screen.

Jasper: So familiar...should I switch off the television now?

Flashback to when both he and Topaz began learning magic under their mother [the first Jewelina queen]’s guidance before they were sent to the academy.

Jasper: Jasper! Jewel Flash!!!

Topaz: Topaz! Jewel Flash!!!

They both conjured their respective ceramic pot in front of their mother, except...Jasper’s one looked a bit more intricate than Topaz’s.

First Queen: Both of you are really excelling! Though, in comparison, Jasper’s one does have more details for his pot’s patterns. I like the detailed flowers on it.

Topaz: But Mother! I invested more time on this technique than HIM!!!! You’re being biased now!

Jasper: I-I just thought I’d add flowers, because mother likes them…

Topaz: WELL!!!! I’m the one who knows mother longer than you, WUSS!!!! I’ll create SUPERIOR flower patterns than yours! RIGHT NOW!!!!

First Queen: Topaz, I don’t think this is necessary-


Within a matter of just a few milliseconds, Topaz managed to engrave BETTER flower patterns than Jasper’s on her pot.

Jasper: How come…

First Queen: -enraptured- Whoa, my dearest Topaz, you really have outdone your brother! I’m enamoured!

Jasper: But mother-

First Queen: Now onto the next lesson!

Jasper: -mutters- What is happening…

Back to the present, where Jasper is getting emotional badly.

Jasper: Mother, you stirred up all of these...right…? -resumes watching the movie, despite knowing how awful the plot is going to progress-

Back at the tower. In the living room, Raven, Beast Boy and their daughters are blowing up some balloons, with the voluntary help from Starfire and Angela, while Eclipse is observing them. Ellen passes by, but she appears to have bad news.

Beast Boy: Yo Ellen! Don’t look so gloomy! The balloons is getting blown up quite swimmingly!

Ellen: Well, um...the point is we dunno if Jasper wants to come and see them as part of his surprise. I tried contacting his number and text message app, but...both sides have no responses from him.

Raven: Wait, don’t tell me...he’s becoming a shut-in again.

Ellen: So this isn’t the first time he chooses to ignore everybody, I assume.

Raven: I’m afraid so. Because I remember when we first met him, he was like this. A wounded creature, trying to conceal his pain.

Beast Boy: Ah yeah, and his oldest sister exploited his agony and turned him into a beastly monster.

Sunset: Scary…

Skywynne: Well, Topaz isn’t this city anymore, we don’t need to fret about that.

Ellen: -kneels down to look at the two sisters- But I feel like, according to your parents, there’re still some lingering after effects plaguing him…

Sunset: How come? He has great friends like us, and Lil Bro loves him greatly!

Skywynne: And he has Jade now.

Ellen: Even with the queen, he doesn’t sound satisfied.

Sunset: Well, all six of OUR Pretty Cure warriors have been united. Surely, he’s good!

Raven: But have you considered the fact that his oldest sister…still hasn’t chosen the path of redemption? Whenever he mentioned her, he was so loving yet heartbroken simultaneously…

Sunset: Oooh…

Skywynne: I knew something was fishy…

Ellen: Hey, actually, before you guys left Kanon Town after your trip, he actually divulged to me a lot more about her and how he has been feeling about their relationship to me as an apology for what she had done to my fellow fairies. I also know what happened to those fairies afterwards…

Angela: Really-paca? Now I’m intrigued!

Starfire: Hm, maybe listening to the you about the him can give us the break. We have been pumping the balloons for quite a while now.

Back to Jasper who’s still glued to the screen. Now the scenario is about the older sibling Sheran having committed a huge mistake and that her younger brother Darryl is upset about what she did to inflict harm on others.

Darryl: Sheran! This is audaciously atrocious of you! You’re being bigoted or what?! Those natives meant no harm to any of us! Yet you still pillaged their village?

Sheran: SO WHAT?! I thought you despise anyone being differently inferior than ALL OF US!!! YOU, my brother, is supposed to concur with my every notion!

Darryl: Even when you’re in the wrong?! Of course NOT!!!

Sheran: I guess it’s inevitable for me to wage a war against YOU!!!

Jasper: Wage war… -closes his eyes- Just like the one we’re in now…

More flashbacks.

This one was when he realized Topaz had destroyed three fairies’ human forms.

Jasper: -agitatedly- Sister! How could you inflict so much pain onto the three of them?!!

Topaz: What do you mean? I did them a favor!

Jasper: Except that you choose to dismiss and neglect how crucial those human forms are to their culture! Don’t you understand that they’ve been struggling to mingle in the human society, which has always been their biggest dream, and that earning such a form is considered privileged?! You’re the one being selfish here!

Topaz: Well, NOW YOU ARE THE ONE BEING THE PETTY SPOILED BRAT FOR DEFYING MY IDEOLOGY!!! Fairies are fairies, humans remain humans, no transformation or transmutation of one another!!! Human forms are inferiorly disgusting!!! Those fairies with forms are trampling on their own dignity!!!

Jasper: Then what about AZURITE?!! You’re saying that she’s lowly only because she has chosen the path that suits her?! That male human clearly loves her from the beginning to end!

Topaz: I wanted to have that same happiness she had! I loved Roman once! But unlike Azurite, I was rejected!

Jasper: You’re just being petty here!

Their relationship only deteriorated after the incident of Topaz shunning Raven away with a holographic monster. Things were already terrible enough for both of them when Topaz lost against Jade during the 34th Queen election, but this one just hit the nail in the coffin for them.

Jasper: With this narrow minded attitude of yours, that’s why everyone elected Jade over YOU!!!! If I were Jade, I wouldn’t even try to scare a poor kid who just wanted to break free and make some new friends!

Topaz: So you ADMIT that you were biased towards that Jewelpet with her head in the clouds! And I thought you were “neutral” in every election!

Jasper: This further solidifies the fact that you only want to manipulate and groom Luea into the person you DESIRE!!! Jade never likes that! She was terribly sad when she realized you hurt Luea’s friend aka the kid! When have you decided to abandon kindness for cruelty?!! You asshole!

Topaz: You’re the one being the jerk to ME, right now!!!!

The cheetah can only hold his forehead in despair, as he continues to watch the drama.

What happened afterward was that he and Topaz had their argument escalated, just like Sheran and Darryl.


Darryl: BECAUSE YOU ARE!!!! You’re hating the natives for no reason! Are you being Colombus or any other coloniser?!!

Sheran: So what?! I’m the oldest, hence I can do whatever I want!!!!

Darryl: You’re not above any laws here!

Jasper: Why does this hit harder than last time…-involuntarily sobs-

Back at the tower as the dusk falls, everyone is getting more concerned about Jasper than ever.

Raven: So…yikes. One fairy committed suicide, another got killed by humans, and one died lonelily as he succumbed to his terminal illness…

Ellen: Yup, Topaz really did more harm than good here. She doesn’t even care about the consequences as she has this clouded judgement. That’s why Jasper was so despondent judging by his apology letter to me… This was still during a time before Jewel Land broke off from many kingdoms, including Major Land.

Sunset: Speaking of which…

Skywynne: Jasper still shows no signs of coming here…

Starfire: Regardless of the composure of the his, I know that he is not the reluctant to the surprises…

Beast Boy: So, you means we should check on him?

Prase: Probably just busy workin’.

Everyone else: WE DOUBT SO!!! And don’t you use this as an excuse to steal the spotlight from him!!!

Prase: That’s just not fair! It’s me birthday too! Don’t I get anythin’?!

Everyone just straight up ignores Prase and heads into the elevator to visit Jasper.

Prase: HEYYY DON’T YA ALL IGNORE ME!!! -trails behind-

Back to Jasper who’s still in his trailer completely engrossed in the drama that’s reaching its end.

Basically at this point, the village that the two siblings lived in is now a wasteland enveloped in blazes and flames after the two of them began constantly fighting.

Darryl: Sheran…I’m sick of this neverending feud between us…In fact I never wanted to fight with you in the first place…


Darryl: WHY IS IT ALWAYS MY FAULT??? I have the right to say I don’t like how you discriminate against the indigenous!

Sheran: BECAUSE YOU DID NOT AGREE WITH ME AT FIRST!!! You have no right to live in this world, AT ALL!!! -unsheathes her sharpened sword-

Darryl: Sheran, NOOOOOOO-

Jasper then watches Sheran ferociously charge at Darryl in a blind rage. Then suddenly the screen blacks out. But Jasper can barely recover from the shock he has received, despite this no longer being his first viewing experience of this movie.

Jasper: -starting to sniffle badly- Topaz…my sister…why we have to end up like this…

He still hasn’t forgotten about how Topaz exploited his guilt and morphed him into a ferocious beast. He was in pain, yet like how Sheran poorly treated Darryl by trying to eliminate him, she found it…entertaining. She was always smiling cruelly when he cried from the inside.

Topaz [voice]: It’s so fun to see you being pathetic, little brother~!!!

Jasper: You only find it fun when you manage to usurp me… but to be honest, I never treat you like that!!! We were and are never born to be nemesis!!!

Tears begin to inundate Jasper and his trailer as the credits roll in.

Meanwhile, as the Titans and their Suite friends are on their way to the trailer park…

Jade: So, who’s going to step forward?

Raven: ...Well, you’re the queen. You go. He’ll listen to you better.

Kanade: -places the cake on a nearby barrel- I can’t believe you convinced me to carry this all the way out here. That cake is heavy.

Hibiki: I can hold it instead- -Kanade slaps her hand- OW!

Kanade: You are NOT touching that cake!

Hibiki: -pouts- Kanade hurt me!

Ako: -facepalms- What are you, five years old?

Kanade: Yeah! And Hibiki you can never escape my clairvoyance!

While the Suite girls are laughing and bantering…Jade knocks on the trailer door.

Jasper: -his ear twitches, snapping back to reality- Hm?

Jade: Jasper? You in there? It’s me, Jade. And we’re all here to celebrate your-

Jasper: It’s not even THAT special if it means I’m fated to get hated by my own family member for the rest of my LIFE!!!!

Jade: U-uh…

Hawkodile: Try a little aggression!

Jade: I-I can’t…

Hawkodile: Or, at least be... “assertive”.

Jade: -she decides to try what she normally does as a queen- Jasper! I want you to step out and celebrate your-


Jade: N-no, I’m not-wait. -looks to the others- Who’s Sheran?

Angela: I don’t know-paca. But maybe you should try being softer.

Jade: Okay! -softly- Jasper, we only want to wish you a happy-

Jasper: What’s that? I can’t hear you!

Jade: Uuuh…

Jasper: -paranoidly- Stop acting like Sheran who’s trying to emotionally abuse Darryl, which is now my other persona!!! She used to be soft to him before becoming too radical!

Prase: Yer actin’ too soft, yer highness. You gotta offer the lad with a pint of guinness!

Jade: -clears her throat- Would you like it if I offered you a beer?

Jasper: Don’t try to trick me, Sheran!

Prase: -facepaw- I said a PINT OF GUINNESS!

Jade: -terrified of Prase’ outburst- I don’t know the bar culture!

Luea: Guys… I feel like something is wrong…Who’re Darryl and Sheran?

Raven: Yeah, I fear that he’s getting too engrossed with a subject matter…and inserts all of us into it. He sounds very paranoid now.

Robin: In this case we’re ram butting!

Everyone: ROBIN WAIT-

Too late. Robin has crashed the door down with his bo staff! And… instantly the tears flood out, and almost nobody can escape from it! Fortunately…Hibiki managed to uphold the cake so it’s the only survivor of the flood…if you exclude Eclipse who’s also being upheld by his parents.

Cyborg: -while gurgling the salted tears- It’s…ALL…YOUR…FAULT, ROBIN!!!!

Robin: At least Hibiki has rescued the cake!!!

Kanade: Wait, what?!

Hibiki: -running off- IT’S MINE!

Hummy: Wait for me-nya!

Kanade: -her face goes steaming red- HIBIKI! HUMMY!!! -she gives chase-

The flood soon subsides, though everyone except Eclipse and the cake is drenched.

Starfire: -squeezing water from her hair- My hair…

Raven: -does the same with her own hair and cloak- Ugh…we need a thorough wash once we get home…

Beast Boy: -patting Sunset and Skywynne to help them cough out the tears- I didn’t get to cope by changing into a dolphin…yo…

Angela: I have suffered the worst-paca… anyone gonna get me a blow dryer?

While they are groaning and cleaning up their own mess, they notice that Jasper gradually floats to their vicinity in a dejected and broken state, totally and absently staring at the dimly lit sky…

Luea: -pauses before gasping- Jas…JASPER?! How long have you been floating on this liquid?!!

Ruby: I didn’t know cheetahs can float on water.

Jasper: -wipes his tears- Oh, it’s you guys.


Raven: So what’s this whole thing about Sheran and Darryl?

Jasper: I got immersed in a drama. It’s about to end soon, actually.

Ruby: Wow, it must be a good movie.

Jasper: Too good… It reminded me of myself and Topaz…

Everybody: EEEEH?!

Hibiki: -background- EEEEH?!

Kanade: EEEH-oh hang on. I’m supposed to be chasing you. -pulls out a wooden spoon- I’M GONNA TURN YOU BOTH INTO BATTER!!!


Sango: Wow, I thought I was the only one who says “nya” around here-nya.


Jade: But what does it have to do with Topaz?

Jasper: Everything. The character, Sheran, is just like her. She used to be so close with her younger brother Darryl, but they started drifting apart badly when they had different opinions and viewpoints on the indeginous… It’s just like how me and Topaz have different viewpoints in diversity. It’s almost uncanny.

Luea: It’s just a movie. It’s only a coincidence. Well, maybe too GOOD of a coincidence…


Jade: Jasper…

Jasper: And it’s all my fault! I didn’t know she had a mental illness! And now look where we are! A constant war between us! It’s just one battle after another!

As it flashes back to the many battles against Topaz, and in EVERY instance, she never seemed to give up her viewpoints of diversity.

Topaz [flashback]: Only fools go for diversity. In a perfect world, everyone's the same.

Ellen: Wow. Talk about taking notes from Fusion.

Ruby: Who?

Ako: It’s a long story. -looks to the viewer- Watch Pretty Cure All Stars DX if you don’t know.

Kanade: -background- THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR PRODUCT-PLACEMENT!!! -goes back to chasing Hibiki- GIVE ME THAT CAKE!!!

Jasper: She used to treat me so well. But then she changed. She always felt like I was snatching Mother’s love away from her. But I never intended to. Mother did nothing to sway her perspective. And then her mental illness manifested, only for me to overlook it as a mere phase… -he pulls out the old flower garland- This garland she made for me has no meaning anymore!!!

From here, the cheetah breaks down into tears.

Raven: So you feel like you’re this Darryl character?

Jasper: YES! I feel like everything is for naught!!! And look! Darryl is going to die anyway!

Jade: -peeks at the TV behind Jasper- I beg to differ.

Jasper: What do you mean?

Jade: Take a look behind you.

Jasper takes a look to see that the movie’s credits have finished. It’s now doing a post-credits scene.

Darryl: -covered in cuts and bruises, he stands up- Sheran… I’m going to help you, no matter what… -he picks up his fallen weapon- Even if I have to fight you for it.

To Be Continued.

Ruby: Oh, come on! I thought that JoJo meme was dead!

Peridot: I like it-desu.

Jade: There’s going to be a sequel. And besides. Nothing is for naught, Jasper.

Jasper: Like… Darryl?

Jade: Look at us. -she points to the six chosen Jewelpets- All six warriors are gathered, just like you wanted.

Opal: We’re a family too.

Jade: -points to herself- And without you, I would probably still be left as a Jewel Charm.

Luea: You have proven yourself to be different compared to Topaz. And you’ve also proven that you can still make a change. Even if it’s gradual.

Angela: We now understand your pain-paca.

Kanade: -dragging Hibiki- Now Jasper, quit dwelling in sorrows and have the cake!!!!

Hibiki: -winces in pain- Awww, why can’t I have a tiny bite…

Ellen: And I’ve accepted your sincere apology, Jasper. It’s never too late to acknowledge your mistake, and I ascertain that you can look after Topaz’s mental health better once we retrieve her.

Jasper: -tearfully- Guys…you’re the best!

Well! That calls for a group hug! Until…

Prase: It’s also my birthday, too! Don’t I get anythin’?!

Everyone: SHUT UP YOU SELFISH LITTLE CLOVER!!!! Drink your own Guinness!!!!

Sad violin music for Prase who goes sulking under a tree…

Welp! Don’t worry, Prase. Maybe next year, we’ll celebrate properly.

I guess we have nothing to remark as Jasper celebrates his birthday with a wide wholehearted smile on his face with his friends! Lesson is, always share your feelings honestly with your friends, and family doesn’t necessarily is bonded by blood!

Prase: -still sulking- Gimme a piece of cake…Please…

Everyone: NO!!!

[The End!]

Jasper's Birthday - imadumdumjewel - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.