Madden 24 Top 300 Players (End of Season) (2024)

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Can you name the top 200 rated players in Madden 24?

By sambrunner


300 Questions

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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


SF / HB99
KC / QB99
MIN / WR99
MIA / WR99
KC / TE99
LAR / RE99
BAL / QB98
DAL / RE98
CLE / RE98
SF / LT98
DAL / OG98
KC / DT97
SF / TE97
MIA / CB97
LVR / LE97
SF / LE97
ATL / FS97
DAL / WR96
SF / MLB96
PHI / OT96
CLE / HB96
NYJ / CB96
PHI / WR95
DET / WR95
NYG / DT95
DEN / CB95
DAL / OT95
LVR / WR94
TEN / HB94
HOU / OT94
BAL / TE94
DET / OT94
NYJ / DT94
TB / OT94
CIN / WR93
GB / CB93
CIN / QB93
PIT / FS93
MIA / OT93
TB / FS92
ATL / OG92
DAL / LE92
NO / MLB92
DET / C92
PHI / C92
KC / OG92
BUF / QB92
NYG / HB92
BUF / WR92
PIT / RE91
SF / CB91
KC / C91
PHI / CB91
LAC / SS91
CIN / HB91
LAC / WR91
BAL / CB91
NO / CB91
TB / WR91
NO / FS91
CLE / WR90
SF / WR90
ARI / SS90
MIN / OT90
DAL / QB90
GB / OT90
CLE / CB90
LV / HB90
DEN / FS90
PHI / FS90
KC / CB90
TB / MLB90
IND / OG90
MIN / TE90
SF / SS90
BUF / CB90
TB / DT90
ATL / CB89
GB / HB89
NYG / OT89
CHI / WR89
CLE / TE89
TEN / WR89
CAR / RE89
CLE / OG89
WAS / DT89
NO / OT89
NE / OLB89
BAL / K89
LAC / OT89
WAS / WR89
DAL / CB89
KC / OG89
KC / CB89
CIN / RE89
DET / RE88
LAR / WR88
DAL / CB88
SF / WR88
PHI / WR88
JAC / TE88
CHI / CB88
MIA / FS88
PHI / LT88
BAL / LE88
BAL / SS88
SF / FB88
BAL / OT88
DAL / CB88
DAL / HB88
JAC / HB88
NE / OT88
MIA / QB88
LAC / C87
CIN / DT87
SF / OLB87
PHI / QB87
MIA / WR87
MIN / SS87
HOU / CB87
GB / OG87
LAC / QB87
IND / HB87
TEN / DT87
WAS / CB87
SEA / HB87
BUF / FS87
LAC / WR87
BUF / SS87
TB / C87
SEA / WR87
BAL / C87
BUF / DE87
NO / HB86
NO / LE86
MIN / OT86
NO / WR86
SEA / WR86
IND / CB86
MIA / RE86
KC / HB86
IND / DT86
PHI / TE86
NE / SS86
TB / CB86
BAL / OG86
IND / WR86
SEA / WR86
DET / LT86
CLE / OG86
MIA / CB86
BAL / FS86
DAL / OG86
BUF / CB86
LV / OT86
TB / WR85
SF / QB85
JAC / OG85
PHI / HB85
NYG / TE85
SF / RE85
CIN / CB85
JAC / WR85
CIN / WR85
LV / P85
NYJ / WR85
BUF / LE85
MIA / HB85
NE / CB85
GB / OLB85
CAR / CB85
CLE / CB85
JAC / CB85
BAL / DT85
IND / OT85
NYG / FS85
WAS / OG85
BUF / CB85
NYJ / HB84
LAC / CB84
DET / FS84
DET / SS84
JAC / WR84
DEN / WR84
NYJ / CB84
DET / HB84
ATL / DT84
SEA / CB84
HOU / TE84
BUF / OT84
BUF / WR84
NO / C84
SEA / SS84
MIN / QB84
ATL / TE84
SF / DT84
ATL / OT84
GB / DT84
HOU / SS84
LAR / HB84
DAL / FS84
IND / DT84
CHI / RE84
KC / MLB84
BAL / OT84
LAR / WR84
BAL / WR84
HOU / CB84
NYJ / QB83
CAR / WR83
PIT / WR83
WAS / DT83
TB / CB83
GB / OLB83
PIT / WR83
LAC / TE83
SF / LE83
DEN / OT83
KC / K83
DET / HB83
PIT / HB83
NE / SS83
ARI / HB83
SEA / SS83
HOU / WR83
LAR / QB83
PIT / TE83
SEA / FS83
LAR / OT83
JAC / CB83
HOU / LE83
CLE / LE83
CAR / OT82
IND / OT82
LAC / HB82
ATL / HB82
MIA / HB82
CHI / TE82
ATL / LE82
SF / CB82
MIA / C82
IND / OT82
LAR / OT82
DAL / WR82
KC / MLB82
BUF / DT82
CHI / FS82
PHI / DT82
CLE / SS82
NE / MLB82
NE / OLB82
LV / WR82
WAS / SS82
DET / QB82
MIN / WR82
KC / SS82
PHI / OG82
SEA / RE82
NO / SS82
NE / OT82
CHI / SS82
ARI / FS82
MIA / OG82
NO / CB82
DEN / OG82
BUF / C82
DET / TE82
CAR / FS82
TEN / P82
IND / C82
HOU / OG82
LAC / FS81
Madden 24 Top 300 Players (End of Season) (2024)


How do you get ranked in Madden 24? ›

In order to get ranked, you have to play Ranked games. The more often you play, the better your chances of gaining rank. Each game you play earns you "Ranking Points." If you beat your opponent, you earn more ranking points. If you lose or concede, you earn a lot less.

Has there ever been a 100 OVR in Madden? ›

For two years there were players who were given a 100 overall rating, but Madden quickly took that feature out. The only players to be named to the 100 Club were Barry Sanders, Jerry Rice, Shannon Sharpe, Mark Chmura, Tony Boselli, Mike Alstott and Deion Sanders spread out form Madden 1999 and Madden 2000.

How to get Ray Lewis in Madden 24? ›

Earn Lewis by logging in to Ultimate Team during Season 4. Starting OVR is an 86, can be upgraded all the way to a 96 OVR with collectibles earned at various levels of the Field Pass (Level 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50). Lewis will unlock a new superstar ability, Enforcer Supreme, once fully upgraded.

Who has a 99 rating in Madden 24? ›

Madden NFL 24 includes the illustrious 99 club, featuring the highest rated players overall, such as Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, Zack Martin, Aaron Donald, and Justin Jefferson.

What is Patrick Mahomes' rating in Madden 24? ›

Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes received a 99 rating in Madden NFL 24, EA Sports announced on Friday.

Who has a 99 rating in Madden 22? ›

Five players have perfect 99 ratings this year, led by quarterback Patrick Mahomes, who shares the cover of Madden NFL 22 with Tom Brady. The other four members of the 99 Club: defensive tackle Aaron Donald, cornerback Jalen Ramsey, wide receiver Davante Adams and tight end Travis Kelce.

What is the average rating in Madden? ›

Madden Overall Score

For the entire group the mean (+standard deviation) Madden Rating was 69.3+9.2 (range 42-97).

What does 99 mean in Madden? ›

The Madden 99 Club is an exclusive tier of NFL talent that represents the highest level of video game prestige, reserved solely for earned and maintained excellence on the field.

What is the hardest level to play on Madden? ›

Skill Level allows you to choose either Rookie, Pro, All-Pro, or All- Madden. Rookie is the easiest level and All-Madden is the most difficult. Game Style allows you to choose how you want to play the game.

Who is in the 99 club? ›

  • Patrick Mahomes, QB, Kansas City Chiefs. Read more NFL. ...
  • Christian McCaffrey, RB, San Francisco 49ers. The cover athlete was obviously going to be in the 99 Club, and he's earned the honor. ...
  • Justin Jefferson, WR, Minnesota Vikings. ...
  • Travis Kelce, TE, Kansas City Chiefs. ...
  • Tyreek Hill, WR, Miami Dolphins.
Jun 17, 2024

Who will be the face of Madden 24? ›

EA Sports has announced that Buffalo Bills quarterback Josh Allen will be the face of Madden 24.

What Madden is Barry Sanders on? ›

The Hall of Famer has a long relationship with EA Sports and was a cover athlete for the 25th anniversary edition of Madden in 2013.

What does PRC mean in Madden? ›

Play Recognition (PRC):ability of defensive players to recognize run/pass and specific routes at the snap of the ball. The Higher the better chance of diagnosing the offensive play called.

Who is ranked number 1 in Madden 23? ›

Jalen Ramsey may have lost his 99 Club membership (for now), but he remains in the top spot in Madden for the second straight year with a 98 overall rating.

What is DK Metcalf Madden 24 rating? ›

Lockett's teammate DK Metcalf is 17th (behind Mike Williams) with an 88 overall rating, with his awareness rating dropping from 92 from last year's game to 88 this year. His catch rating also dipped slightly from 92 to 91, whereas Lockett's catch rating is a superb 98.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6346

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.